05 November 2022

Anomaly vs Defilement


  • Comes from extraterrestrial or extradimensional source.
  • Cannot be cleansed.
  • Does not always affect those around it.
  • Not always negative or malevolent.

An Anomaly is the result of outside influence, be it something fallen from the cosmos or a breach between dimensions. Anomalies are studied and classified into three categories depending on the danger they represent : benign, parlous, or lethal.

Benign Anomalies are completely harmless. Long gone is their influence or perhaps they never had any to begin with. They simply are a bit odd, a novelty in nature, yet not worthy of much attention. They largely go undocumented. Some strange, perfectly natural occurrences are sometimes mistakenly labelled as Anomalies.

The most common Anomalies are the ones classified as parlous. They are generally not too dangerous if some safety measures are followed. In fact, many serve as tourist attractions. As long as one respects the rules and railings of the area, there should be no incidents. A parlous Anomaly does have some influence over its surroundings, but it's one that takes centuries to truly settle in. Spending a few days camping nearby will have no ill effect on the human mind or body. The danger lies within nature itself. If one is careless and falls into a boiling hot spring, whether it's a normal one or an Anomaly, the end result will be the same. Some of the most famous parlous Anomalies include : the Crater of Iracomté in Hautemort, the volcano Gürvel in Gyalkhii, and the Eye of Odalis in Valakis. Only the volcano is not a tourist attraction, simply due to the fact that the surrounding land is infested with dragons.

The Anomalies classified as lethal are those that generate potent eldritch radiation in the surrounding area. They cannot be safely approached and twist the world in incomprehensible ways. They may not instantly kill someone who comes within their exclusion zone, but are known to induce madness, hallucinations, and even warp the body. Unfortunately, due to such dangerous influences, the surrounding areas are seldom indicated and never guarded. As a result, it is quite difficult to gauge whether one is too close or not. Fortunately, this level of danger is extremely rare. Only two areas have received the classification of lethal : Éméris in Le Havre and the Great Weaver's Needle in Zürkhalakh.


  • Man-made.
  • Can be cleansed.
  • Instantly taints those who enter it.
  • Always harmful.

A Defilement was the scene of a terrible blasphemy. A crime so vile it cursed the surrounding area . It can be a house, part of a street, the middle of the woods, any area where horrors might be committed. The very air is befouled by sin. The vast majority of the time, it is impossible to tell if an area has been defiled without stepping into it. Those who enter the Defilement will be tainted. This affliction can range from misfortunes to death, depending on how bad the Defilement is.

A Defilement can be caused willingly, such as by act of murder or suicide. Sometimes, it can be an accident, like a house fire. Certain traumatic events can create a Defilement, like miscarriage or rape. The victim may be tainted and unwittingly spread the affliction to all those they come in contact with.

Every race on Eler has their own way of dealing with and cleansing Defilement. Some, unfortunately, are so thick with spiritual miasma and rot that they simply cannot be dealt with. Passing years weaken a Defilement. As such, some areas that cannot be currently cleansed are sealed off for the time being.

Defilement are often small, undocumented, and insidious. The only largely known Defilement is La Blessure (The Wound) in Mortailes, Almer. It is the site of Ménandu's murder. The curse there is so great that nature itself bleeds and rots. Even 4000 years later, it is still impossible to cleanse. Death instantly strikes those who come too close.

Unbeknownst to most, the greatest Defilement of all lies in the forgotten lands of Quris, where the very flesh of Eler lies open, a gaping, festering wound corrupting its ruined heart. It is also the only Defilement that spreads. Slowly but surely, it shall consume everything.