
The base year for character biographies is 4002.
The storyline unfolds years before and years after that.

An Elerian year has 13 months of 32 days.
Every month has 4 weeks of 8 days.

The year begins on the first day of Spring and ends on the final day of Winter.
The names of the months are all from ancient Midianese. A dead language few remember.

Aggio - The Resurrected Moon
Nerulo - The Sowing Moon

Nolta - The Blood Moon
Barina - The Empress Moon
Mirca - The Emperor Moon
Munna - The Hunting Moon

Zenkanu - The Harvest Moon
Sartezu - The Feasting Moon

Kelte - The Dead Moon
Norne - The Mourning Moon
Relne - The Frozen Moon
Thulce - The Hopeful Moon
Yulte - The Black Moon

For equivalency, the year would begin in March and end in February. The 13th month, Yulte, is the transition between the cold season and milder weather. The snow is almost gone. Normally, in Aggio, there's almost no snow left, but nature has yet to fully awaken. Although unfrozen earth can be tilled, sowing the seeds waits until Nerulo. The month ends on the new moon, signifying the death of said month. The full moon is considered the peak of the month. When the moon waxes, the month is in its creative stage. When the moon wanes, the month is in its destructive stage, culminating with its annihilation as the moon vanishes from the skies.


Tauri - Day of Work
Naomi - Day of Love
Jurri - Day of Happiness
Maliki - Day of Legacy
Karushi - Day of Reward
Lostei - Day of Rest
Rielei - Day of Peace
Franei - Day of Contemplation

Days on Eler last 32 hours. Generally, people do not work during the last three days of the week, safe for a few exceptions (for example, hospitals are open all week, but have fewer workers on the weekend). Certain races, like Auriels and Bantaks, live without taking time into consideration. Therefore, everything is available 32/8 due to a rotation in personnel.