26 November 2022

Deity : Yhrze

God-planet Yhrze is worshipped by the Nirnaelites. It is not truly a god nor a planet, but a sentient star who made contact with them in ancient times. This being predates even Barachnelis and no one really knows Its purpose nor intentions. Yhrze sings eerily and Its strange song can be heard by those who know how to listen. Some say it almost sounds like a lullaby somehow. The cult of Yhrze is believed to have disappeared with the Midianites.

The word "yhrze" is simply a prefix to indicate a divine being in the Nirneth language. It is used because the true name of the god-planet cannot be spoken to the uninitiated.

Although being a celestial body, Yhrze lacks a centre of gravity and travels through space of Its own volition. It is a pulsar that distorts Its surroundings into nebulae of gold and emits a melancholy song. As such, riches and music are associated with It.

Yhrze craves sensations It cannot experience on Its own. Its blessing allows It to feel through Its followers. Pain, pleasure, and intense emotions are all worthy offerings to Yhrze. As a result, the Nirnaelites are tremendously debauched in order to honour their God.