07 November 2022

Harbinger : Memory of Aaron


Origin : █̷̧̛͔͉̙̬̹̽̽̃͋̔̑̆̈́█̴̢̡̠͎͈͗̿͐́͋̌́̂͆́̀̚͘ͅ█̷̛̹̥̗̭̹̹̙͙͍̪̯̥̭̻̭̮̪͕̜̩̫̞͓̻̓̇̇̔̔͛̆͒̅̅̅̌̿͌̿̃̍̆̓̈̈̀͘͝ͅ█̵̡̨̨̧͈͚͓̲͕͓̗̙̳̪̼̼͔̰͈̫̬̭̙̬͉͌͠█̵͓̳̲̟̲̳̭̂̍̓̑̽̋͋͊̓̆̌̓̔̂̍̈́͌̽̅̕͘͝͠ͅ█̶̡̧̛̼͇̠͎̥̞̼͔̟̫͖͉̻̈̐̆̾́̅̐̒̄̿̇̓̆̂̓̾͝͠ ̸̧̢̺͇̟͈͚̭̜͕̯͇̼͈̙͓͉͔̙̠͛͒̉͜
Location : Thuruntsöl Desert, Zürkhalakh, Zardunel
Status : Bound

Famed Auriel explorer Aaron Mordecan disappeared on his travel towards the Great Weaver's Needle. While his journal was found, the sole source of knowledge of the Needle up close, Aaron's body was never discovered.

However, some who have also ventured close to the Anomaly report seeing a strange, refracted image that resembles the renowned explorer who's been missing for centuries.

Could it be a mirage? A hallucination? Or something far more sinister?