01 December 2022

Astronomy : The Castique System

An illustrated map of the observable Castique System.
Starting from top left, going clockwise:

Darsi of Two Moons
Some believe one of the moons of Darsi to be inhabited due to structures appearing to grow from its surface.

Yurtse the Traveller
The one worshipped as Yhrze by the Nirnaelite. Yurtse is not always visible in the night sky and frequently changes location without any regards for regular planetary revolution. As such, most astronomers refer to Yurtse as an Anomaly.

The leper planet is observed to be slowly rotting.

No one knows if the water is just red on Marinasma or if it's blood.

It seems to be a giant snake coiled on itself. Is it sleeping or is it dead?

Nurna, Keeper of Coffins
Little Nurna rocks a coffin as a mother would a cradle. What could be inside this immense cosmic coffin?

Urdan Macabre
The largest planet in the Castique system, desert-planet Urdan Macabre is believed to be alive and is referred to as the Emperor of the system.

Queen Consort Runo
The wife of Urdan Macabre. Runo is actually the moon of Urdan but considered a planet nonetheless.

Jerut & Herut, the Conjoined Twins
The malformed children of Urdan and Runo. These two minuscule planets are fused together.

Eerily immobile, Ki seems to be slowly eaten away by the nearby Twins.

Long ago, Ran was struck by an unprecedented meteor shower that left it looking like a battered husk of gruyère. It crumbles little by little as time passes.

The only planet confirmed to be inhabited. The moon Odalis revolves around it. Unbeknownst to its inhabitants, Eler is wounded and cursed to die.

Solifuje the Dragon
Despite not being a sun, Solifuje sometimes spits fire and emits strange flares. The flames are blue and no one knows if they're truly made of fire since they can travel far into space before vanishing.

A bizarre planet with two continents separated by a long ocean forming a ring of water around its surface.

Loxosceles the Wasteland

A gassy planet which looks like it has a mouth full of serrated teeth. Theories abound as to what might give the illusion of a mouth, especially since it appears to smile sometimes.

It seems that a thick forest envelops the entirety of this planet.

The Sprouting Seed of Nurm
A giant cosmic seed, perhaps even an egg, from which something is slowly emerging.

Ana, Mira, and Caedra the Cursed Triplets

These three planets all seem to have a contorted expression of pain created by craters and valleys on their surfaces.

Ansal the Flayed
The entirety of this planet appears to be skinless flesh, seeping with wounds and pus. Some astronomers believe it might be a Defilement.