07 December 2022

Capital : Margracier

Capital of Exilieu, once the Margraces' seat of power, now under Danaki control.
Ruler : Governor Valère Langevin, under Mambo Victoria Meinand
Population : 120 000 inhabitants, 95% Margrace, 4% Marki, 1% Danaki

Labyrinthine Margracier is a city of mist and many mysteries. Perched high into the mountains of Exilieu, it receives frequent rainfall and becomes covered in heavy snow come winter. Due to its climate, it is the least populated capital on Eler.


Church of the Nameless

The epicentre of Margrace religion, founded by Ménandu's husband and murderer four millennia ago. Over time, the city developed around its massive church. Three hundred years ago, the Danakis, led by Marie-Victoire Meinand, took control of Margracier. Before the takeover, the Pontiff was the appointed ruler of the Margrace. Now the church is merely a site of cult to collect alms for the poor. The Nameless' wisdom is still followed to this day, but the Pontiff has very little political power.

Les Bras de L'Immortel
Margracier being comprised of two massive mountains, Mont Immortel and Mont Jeune Fille, it requires numerous bridges in order to connect the two. These bridges are called Les Bras de L'Immortel, acting as an embrace between the two mountains, and spanning over the valley inbetween. This valley is named Valnoir due to the looming shadow of the bridges. It is home to the headquarter of the renowned Knights of St-Frusquin in the hamlet of Sacré-Cœur-de-L'Indicible.

There is no more depressing sight, after witnessing the majesty of Margracier, than to go down into its slums at the base of the mountains. Markiviet is home to the poor, the downtrodden, and the unwanted. It is where the children of the illegal union between Danaki and Magrace, called Marki, often end up. Living in abject poverty, they depend on the Church and charity in order to get by. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Markiviet are thankful. Living in close proximity to Margracier does offer them opportunities to better their lives. Almost everywhere else, they are reviled outcasts. Only countries like Hautemort and Bantak territories welcome them, but it's not given to everyone to uproot their entire family and establish themselves in a whole other region.