19 December 2022



Aside from the widespread Üntsus clan originating from Luu'süm, there are other notorious clans, each with their own peculiarities.

The Tengerkhün Clan of Tostolbo. Industrious masters of the skies. Living in the volcanic wasteland forces them to keep their hair shorter. Their skin is darker and tougher than other Bantaks. Their thickly padded feet allow them to walk over burning embers without issues.

The Gangakh Clan of Ganereg. Remarkable hunters and spearfishers. Shorter and stockier, a thick layer of fat insulates them from the eternal winter. Their waterproof fur makes them remarkable swimmers no matter how cold it gets.

The Tamlaj Clan of Khüsner. Heretical warlocks from the far north. More delicate traits characterize these Bantaks who prefer fighting using magic rather than arm-to-arm combat. Living in a land of eternal night, they tend to be paler as well.

The Zürkhal Clan of Zürkhalakh. The original Bantaks of Zardunel. They are smaller and leaner than their northern counterparts, perfectly adapted to the harsh desert life.


Those from Alizarnon are characterized by their red crystals and eyes. No one knows the cause of the peculiar phenomenon.


Originally, the Danakis came from Outremer, an archipelago off the Almeri coast. Many still reside in Outremer, independent of their continental brethren. Darker hair and skin, as well as more gaunt traits, make them stand out.


Having Bantak blood in their heritage, the Sombrelune are like taller, burlier Margraces. Unable to perform the separation ritual, they lack the mist form common to the Margrace race. Nevertheless, they are still welcome citizens and often occupy high ranking positions in society.

Markis are forbidden offspring of Danakis and Margraces. They are not recognized as an official race, but the Margraces are at least relatively welcoming to them. Some Markis who are lucky enough to closely resemble either a Danaki or Margrace can hope to pass and find their place in society, so long as they have false identification. Most do not have such luck with the genetic lottery and look like an obvious cross between the two races.