15 February 2023

Broken Heart of Eler

The Heart of Eler, ripped from the entrails of the earth by the Midianites, as an offering to their reluctant god.

He refused the gift.

Shortly after his sacrifice, the heart was broken.

Thirteen fragments of the Heart were lost when the Doom came to Midian. A few sank at the bottom of the ocean with the city when the curse peaked. A handful of these fragments were brought back ashore by the marine currents over the centuries. Most were sold, stolen, resold. Rumours began to circulate that these fragments were magical, could cure illnesses, grant eternal life, or even make wishes come true. All were subjugated by their iridescent beauty of indescribable colours.

Time passed and these fragments became legends.

In the Ahmed Isles. Trapped in ice, this fragment serves as a catalyst on the infamous Ikh'taivan, the staff of the first warlock, Sartaq Nügelten.

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In Ghaur. Belongs to warlock Lazare Khelshatakh. One he bought from an Ahmedin merchant and uses as an athamé. The other he stole from Ophélia Aldenir during their unfortunate encounter. This was the fragment she had found on the bank of the river Masmavir as a child, which had allowed her to contact the God of Death.

In Ghaur. Belongs to the demi-goddess Helena. It's mounted on a golden ring which she bears on one of her squamous fingers. An ancient gift from the first warlock, Sartaq Nügelten.

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In Zardunel. Belong to Ophélia Aldenir. Both of them were in the tomb of Jourmenes at the bottom of the Sea of Leene.

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In Zardunel. Belong to Algernon Baudouin. One of the rare survivors of the Doom, he knows the Heart needs to be restored and has been doing all in his power to find all the scattered fragments. He began his search long before they became legends, buying them from merchants whenever he could.

In Almer. Belongs to the witch of Iracomté. She received this fragment as payment from Jenesz in exchange for an answer to his curse. He had kept this fragment after the Doom. Now the witch uses it to contact terrifying cosmic forces.

In Rootwald. Below Éméris, the Enchanted Hawthorn. Used by the fairy queen to crystallize the area.

In Ghaur. At the bottom of the Sea of Leene, amongst the ruins of the unfortunate Midian. It is clasped between the hands of Ersk Méride, the undrowning maiden.