04 February 2023

Character : Justin de Valence

Born : Justine Langevin
Feat : First Margrace warlock

Gender : Male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Nameless
Birthplace : St-Aldène-sur-Mer
Residence : Beaumanoir
Age : 33 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 170lbs
Hair : black, partly bleached white
Eyes : black

Sexual orientation : heterosexual
Partner : Malaria
Parents : Valère Langevin & Valérie Langevin (deceased)
Siblings : Valérianne Langevin (sister), Énola Meinand (half-sister), Richard Langevin (half-brother)

Justin was born one of two daughters that Valère would have with his first wife, Valérie. From a very young age, he felt like he should have been a boy. His parents greatly discouraged him, gender expression being quite taboo in Margrace society.

This caused Justin to leave during his teens and establish himself in Markiviet. Switching from the comfort of Margrace upper class to the slums was a difficult transition, but he enjoyed the freedom. He also got his body back from the Silken Vault, making him one of the rare material Margraces.

Eventually, his half-sister, Énola Meinand, would join him in Markiviet. They would share a duplex for a few years until Énola was forcefully married to the future Bantak Khaantor and relocated to Luu'süm. Justin did his best to visit her as often as he could.

After the fall of Delkhiin, Énola moved to Dan to become the new Mambo of Mortailes. Even though they now lived on the same continent, the distance between them was greater. They still called each other almost every day.

Around that time, Justin's neighbour performed a terrible ritual. Thinking it was merely a fun way to ask questions to the denizens of Helen, she and her friends unknowingly made a sacrificial pact. This meant that everyone around the ritual circle forfeited their life to the demon. Normally, this ritual is performed willingly by warlocks. This was not the group's intention, so they panicked when they began getting slaughtered.

The dreadful noise and screams woke Justin up in the middle of the night. He was used to his neighbours being annoying and unruly, but this was worse than usual. He called the Knights, but as soon as he did, the noise suddenly stopped.

Although feeling uneasy, Justin decided to go next door and investigate. Stepping outside of his home, he saw someone run away from his neighbour's place and disappear into the night.

He called out, but received no answer. The smell of blood was potent in the air. Despite his best judgment, he went in to check if anyone needed help. All the lights were off and, finally finding a switch, he saw the horrifying scene. Five people, torn limb from limb, the walls covered in blood and gore.

Justin threw up in the nearby sink, his legs nearly failing to carry him.

Then he heard a faint call for help.

Hoping he could save someone, he got closer, trying to figure out who was speaking.

He noticed the ritual circle on the floor after he had unwittingly stepped on it. The voice calling for help was merely the demon tricking him into approaching.

Justin was possessed and lost consciousness. When he awoke, the Knights were there, investigating the scene, and tending to him. He did not remember seeing the demon, so he thought he had just passed out from the sight of the scene. He was quickly ruled out as a suspect since the victims looked like they had been mauled by an animal. No one could determine what had done this. The clawmarks suggested a bear, yet the bitemarks seemed to have been left by a shark.

Within the next few days, still reeling from the horrors he had witnessed, Justin began experiencing weird occurrences in his life. From fleeting shadows in the corner of his vision to cameras glitching when he was on them. Soon, a voice spoke to him.

The demon called himself Malaria. He explained that demons need a physical anchor to remain in the world. Being summoned in a circle means they cannot leave it. Since the ritual had gone wrong and someone had managed to flee, it was incomplete, meaning Malaria had to find that person and kill them in order to be able to return to Helen. Being confined to a ritual circle meant he had no choice but to find and possess a person so he could leave.

Justin was not happy about his predicaments, but he had no real choice in the matter. He accepted to help Malaria find the one that had ran away in order to be rid of him. After a lengthy investigation and much debacle, they did manage to find the last ritual victim and Malaria upheld his promise and left.

Scarred by the entire experience, Justin would not tell anyone about it.

He would, however, be reunited with Malaria years later. After the death of the great warlock Lazare Khelshatakh, the demon found himself free to roam the Material World unanchored after Lazare's granddaughter, Ünska Urgats, failed to bind him into her service.

Longing for a new master, Malaria found Justin again. Thus the young man reluctantly became the first Margrace warlock. He would prove invaluable in the search for the Heart thanks to his newfound powers and would greatly contribute in insuring the cooperation of the Tamlaj Clan.