10 August 2023

Character : Edwarda Fulminet

Gender : female
Race : Baronet
Heritage : Valakian
Birthplace : Sarna
Residence : Sarna
Age : 206 years old
Height : 4'8
Weight : 130lbs
Hair : blue
Eyes : blue

Wife : Sophie Bordulac

Head of the Baronets of Valakis under Algernon Baudouin.

06 August 2023

Character : Abhar Destra

Gender : male
Race : Bantak
Heritage : Üntsus
Birthplace : Delkhiin
Residence : Dan
Age : 61 years old
Height : 8'6
Weight : 400lbs
Hair : black
Eyes : brown

05 August 2023

Character : Jura Juren

Title : Ever-rotting empress of Quris

Gender : Female
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Qurian
Height : 7'7
Weight : 200lbs
Hair : bald
Eyes : glowing red

Once the priestess of Lepidon, she and her followers were stationed in Quris. Undying after the Doom, they all caught the Qurian Plague from the defiled Heart of Eler. Now the terrible disease forever festers inside of them.

Jura, reassuring her followers by framing the plague as a blessing, vowed to defend the Heart from further defilement. Building their city atop the site, awaiting the day when the Heart would be restored. Its eldritch radiation would twist the Qurianite over time, melting bodies together into abominations.