23 November 2023

City : Dresdène du Preux Serpent

Location : Mortailes, Almer

Named after the Mambo Dresdène, who came from Outremer, from the small island of Preux Serpent.

Snakes are sacred to the Danakis. In the city of Dresdène, there is a temple housing the mummies of ten of thousands of snakes that have been sacrificed for augurs.

22 November 2023

Landmark : Obelisks of L'Anse-en-Sang

Red Tooth, the Obelisk west of Phlébotomine, 3975, photographer unknown

Location : Outremer, Almer

There are 4 obelisks around l'Anse-en-Sang, each on a tiny, uninhabited island.

Dent Rouge, west of Phlébotomine (red tooth)
Écharde, east of La Grande Macchabée (splinter)
La Griffe, east of Curieuse (the claw)
Carmaiguille, north of Rouge Sablon (carmine needle)

The size of these monuments dwarf most others in the world, towering above the scarce surrounding nature. Early Danaki accounts mention that the Obelisks were already ancient when their people were young.

No one knows who built them or if they simply sprouted out of the earth. The blood red rock is oily to the touch and not found anywhere else in the world. The seawater surrounding each Obelisk turns red and thick like blood, but presents no real difference when tested.

All four Obelisks have been monitored numerous times for eldritch radiation and nothing was ever found. As such, the scientific community hesitates to classify them as Anomalies.

Not much is known about Outremer in general due to scant access by outsiders. Theories abound regarding the purpose of the Obelisks, from alien beacons to remnants of a god, no one truly knows what they might be.

Location : Javois-sur-Franche-Montagne

Location : Exilieu, Almer

The village on the plateau of Javois is responsible for most of the crops consumed in Exilieu. The immense, labour-intensive fields are quite awe-inspiring to outsiders.

Exilieu being mainly covered by mountains, a fertile, flat landscape is prized by all.

21 November 2023

Landmark : L'Échine d'Eler

Location : Almer

The Spine of Eler mountain range separates Exilieu from Hautemort. It is the largest and most impressive mountain range on the planet and many travel to see it. From the city of Contrecœur in eastern Hautemort, all the way to the infamous Sorciel in Iracomté, the range is uninterrupted impassable peaks.

Aside from a forested path near the aforementioned Contrecœur and a tunnel underneath Trimard de l'Expiation, there is no way to travel through or over the Spine of Eler.

20 November 2023

Defilement : La Blessure

Location : Mortailes, Almer
Potency : lethal

Deep in the eldritch jungles of Mortailes lie a rotting, ever-bleeding travesty of life. No one is able to approach without succumbing to the curse.

Rumours abound about the area. Many believe it to be the site where the Nameless murdered his wife, Ménandu, and burned their zombie daughter. The Danakis think that such heresy has caused the land to sour.

Others say that revenants come from the area, zombies without a necromancer to command them. Some claim to have witnessed the creatures organizing in some sort of society, in an underground city named La Tanière (The Den).

The area is currently under investigation. However, since it is impossible to approach La Blessure, sightings are unconfirmed and many hearsays have since blown out of proportions.

14 November 2023

City : Bufophanie

The seat of power of the Toad Crusade, resting upon the borders of the accursed marsh Iracomté.
Ruler : Cunégonde Gutturaline
Population : 15000 inhabitants, 100% Bufonier

The enchanting city of Bufophanie sits perilously close to the Iracomté border. The last hospitable city before the accursed marsh. It is home to the Bufoniers and their relentless crusade to reclaim the land.

13 November 2023

Defilement : Shöniin'gazar

Restored picture taken atop Titemedel Peak, looking into Shöniin'gazar, 3982, photographer unknown

Location : Khüsner, Ghaur
Potency : lethal

Beyond the Obsidian Diadem mountain range lie the Forbidden Lands of Eternal Night from which no one ever returns. Rumours speak of tangible darkness and malevolent stars like eyes scrutinizing whoever would dare cross the border.

No one truly knows what's out there. Do people not return due to getting lost? Or is there a presence hunting trespassers down? Perhaps even an illness, as some claim that, long ago, a foul wind once blew from Shöniin'gazar, bringing with it a lethal pestilence.