28 January 2024

Capital : Narnuur

Capital of Zürkhalakh, territory of the Zürkhal clan of Bantaks.
Ruler : Mukhtar Samir Daichin
Population : 230 000 inhabitants, 98% Bantak, 2% Auriel (slaves)

Located far beyond Thuruntsöl, the accursed desert of bones, Narnuur is a city seldom seen by travellers. Well surrounded by pits, a particularly rocky coast, and the pitiless desert, it is a bastion impossible to besiege. Thanks to its amazing strategic advantages, it allowed the Bantaks to prosper in Zardunel for thousands of years.


Kuzey River
The main source of fresh water for the city, coming from the beautiful Nemrul Lake to the south. The shade of the rocks surrounding it helps prevent droughts throughout the year.

Known as The Fanged Pit, this giant crater in the desert is shaped in such a peculiar way, it seems to be growing pointed teeth. Intrepid explorers have attempted to get to the bottom of this bizarre geological formation without success. Some say you can hear breathing down in the pit. Such claims have been attributed to the wind whistling between the rocks.

Bones of Thuruntsöl
The eldritch fossils of the desert can be seen from Narnuur. While expeditions to Thuruntsöl are prohibited due to the exclusion zone around the Needle, many researchers admire the bones from afar using telescopes. The beasts and men laying in the scorching sand are all wrong. Some tiny, some massive, most of unidentifiable kind. This mystery has puzzled the world for ages.