15 February 2024

Anomaly : Nyaltsgai

Location : Under Mengur Mines, Ganereg, Ghaur
Potency : lethal

When digging for ore underneath the Golmörnii mountains, the Bantaks uncovered ancient ruins of unknown origins. A peculiar substance began oozing from the oily rocks, its touch like acid. The weird slime would jump onto people, melting their flesh, before attempting to latch onto another victim.

Fumes caused miners to become sick and oozing as well. Very quickly, the area was decimated. The last three survivors to escape only had time to send a distress signal before succumbing on their way away from the site.

The first rescue team did not make it back.

The second one returned with vast casualties and demanded the area to be sealed off.

The ooze that had made its way out of the mines eventually crawled back into the darkness due to lack of victims to consume.

To this day, two hundred years later, the area is heavily monitored from afar. Attempts to burn away the contagion caused horrendous acidic rainfall that decimated surrounding crops. Only recently have those fields become exploitable again. The bizarre substance has not been properly studied and no one knows what it truly is or where it came from. Despite the majority of the Ghaurian territory being excavated, nothing like it was encountered anywhere else. The nearby Uzbeg Industrial Complex stopped digging towards the northwest for fear of connecting with the Mengur tunnels.