20 February 2024

Anomaly : Shilengaval Falls

Location : Khüsner, Ghaur

The frozen waterfalls of Shilengaval pour from a giant skull of unknown origins. The hissing of water and wind create a constant, eerie cry that can be heard a great distance. The falls pour into the Aldsalan Lake, formed by a meteor impact when Eler was young. Some believe the skull itself was what created the crater.

Wild rumours abound around the area. It is said that there is a secret lair within the skull or behind the thick sheets of ice made by the waterfalls. That this cave could lead beyond the Obsidian Diadem into the Forbidden Lands of Eternal Night. Some also believe that the area serves as a lair for an ancient dragon summoned by the warlock Sartaq Nügelten during the civil war. That the cries come not from the falls, but from the dragon trapped within.