28 February 2024

Character : Amaury de Ronceval

Real Name : Gyul Letargis
Titles : Right Hand of Il Imperator, Spymaster of Valakis

Gender : Male
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Valakian
Birthplace : Midian
Residence : Sarna/Nirnael
Age : 4041 years old (immortal)
Height : 8f04
Weight : 250lbs
Hair : ashen lillac, wavy, waist length
Eyes : bright lime green, dark scleras

Sexual orientation : bisexual
Partners : Iloni Despin (wife, deceased)
Children : Baza Rabian (son, deceased), Anonyma de Ronceval (adopted daughter)
Parents : Mirka Hnyad & Kauge Nhyoge (both deceased)

Facial details : he is missing the entire bottom half of his face from the nose down. It was eaten away by his best friend Algernon. His jaw is held by strands of flesh and muscles. His teeth got particularly twisted during the curse, so even if he still had his lips, he would not be able to use them much.

Personality : sharp-witted and fun-loving, Amaury is nevertheless capable of great seriousness in dire situations. He is efficient and highly intelligent. In Algernon's absence, he is the one running the empire. He has everything it takes to be a great leader, however his dedication and fealty to the Imperator are absolute. Like most Midianites, he is duplicitous and prone to betrayal of any other races except his own, viewing them as inferior and gullible. Mortals are there for entertainment, not for lasting alliances.

Voice : given his disfigurement, his speech is heavily affected. He has to rely on the back of his throat to produce most sounds that would require lips to enunciate properly. Therefore he has a rather deep, low, and croaking voice.

Hobbies : fencing, swimming, horseback riding

Amaury de Ronceval was born Gyul Letargis in 2010 of the Ancient Era. At 24 years old, he married Iloni Despin who bore him a son named Baza Rabian. Around the same time, he became a disciple of Yhrze and began a friendship/one-sided romance with Soren Nuhir, the hierophant of the sect.

Years later, when Soren received knowledge that himself and his disciples ought to leave Midian, Gyul was keen on following him to the end of the world. However, his wife Iloni thought it was utter madness and adamantly refused to leave. She gave Gyul the choice between following Soren or remaining with her and their son in Midian.

While Soren urged Gyul to be with his family, Gyul turned his back on everything he had known and loved and followed Soren.

As such, he escaped death, but was cursed for all eternity with the rest of Yhrze's followers.

From this day onward, Gyul remained celibate, pledging his love and faith to Soren and only Soren. His adoration for him only grew and his dedication led him to become Soren's right hand and most trusted advisor.

During their brief stay in Almer, Gyul changed his name to Amaury de Ronceval while Soren became Algernon Baudouin.

The disciples of Yhrze then relocated to Zardunel, finding the ruins of Nirnael below Sarna, and establishing their domain there. The city of Sarna grew exponentially and Amaury helped its expansion.

Over the years, not only did he become a spy and assassin for the Imperator, but he also became a procurer for his fellow Midianites. The demand for humans, both as sexual relief and food, being a constant issue, many began specializing in acquiring the best flesh possible. Midianites now have what could be referred to as a "human farm", where humans live and breed like cattle and have not seen the surface in so many generations they have completely forgotten about it. However, a fresh victim from the outside world, someone to be groomed and corrupted, is a rare threat which Amaury has become excellent at acquiring. Although his heart solely belongs to Algernon, he still surrounds himself with numerous sex slaves, both men and women.

Being so close to Algernon, Amaury helped him in his quest to exterminate the Donovan bloodline. Using his talents as spy and his numerous informants to track down the members of the family and have them brutally executed.