13 May 2024

Class : Summoner Puppeteer

Exclusive to the Baronet race, this version of the Summoner class employs cursed dolls to attack their enemies and deal strictly Physical dmg. However, instead of the typical Grievous Wound debuff associated with Physical dmg, you instead gain the rare Terror debuff.

As a Puppeteer, you possess quite a few skills akin to that of a Performer. Beyond your combat potential, you can easily entertain a crowd. Your big top tricks are sure to bring a smile to even the most morose of soul.

Unlike the other Summoners, you cannot tank. However, you are the only Summoner whose minions can become spellcasters. You are also one of the very few classes who can help their allies regain Sanity.

Your minions cannot be more than 100m away from you or they will become inactive.

+2 DEX
Baseline : Acrobatics
Weapon Proficiency : throwing knives or offensive elemental focus


Starting at LVL5 all attacks from your puppet have a 10% chance to inflict the Terror debuff.
Terror : Debuff. You've witnessed something truly unnerving. Skip your turn and lose -5 SAN. Being afflicted by Terror a total of 3 times before a long rest will cause you to have a severe panic attack, reducing you down to 1hp and causing you to flee the battle unless you succeed a mettle check of 6+.

Pull Strings
Spell LVL1. Animate a puppet in your possession to fight for you. The puppet has STR+LVL HP and deals STR+DEX Physical damage. The puppet will attack whoever you command it to attack. Commanding your puppet is a free action. If your puppet is slain, you can cast Pull Strings again to reanimate it. Does not work if the puppet was disintegrated.

Your puppet will creep out anyone who sees it moving. It's best to leave it inanimate in towns and settlements, pretending it's just a toy.


Passive LVL1. Expertise with throwing knives grants you +2 accuracy with them and doubles their dmg. You can also skilfully juggle to entertain people.

Quick Throw
Skill LVL2. Shoot 3 sharp blades in rapid succession. Skill costs 1 STAM if all the blades are directed at the same enemy, 2 STAM if there are multiple targets. Deals LVL+WP Pierce dmg.

Spell LVL2. Requires Candle catalyst. Breathe fire in a cone 2m in front of you, dealing LVL Heat dmg. Has a 10% chance to inflict the Burn debuff.

Tightrope Balance
Passive LVL3. You can maintain balance on a very small area as long as it is stable, can withstand your weight, and there is no strong wind to throw you off. You can also hold your balance on a rolling ball.

Comedic Reflexes
Passive LVL4. Dodge chance increased by an additional 20%. Fall damage reduced by 40%.

Sad Clown
Skill LVL5. Weave a tale of tragedy to a non-beast target who can understand the language you speak. Target must succeed a mettle check of 5+ otherwise, every turn for 5 turns, they have a 50% chance to skip their turn, too busy crying.

Passive LVL6. To you, nothing is overly serious. Gain +10 max SAN and +3 to mettle checks.

Skill LVL7. You are excellent at being understood through movements alone. You can communicate simple commands to any ally who have you within their line of sight. Has a 70% success rate.

Skill LVL8. Channelled for up to 5 turns. Your performance is truly entrancing. All non-beast targets looking at you have 80% chance to skip their turn, too busy watching you.


Skill LVL9. You can speak clearly without moving your mouth. Works with Imitate.

Skill LVL9. Perfectly mimic someone's voice. Works with Ventriloquist.

Camping skill. Lighten up the mood at camp with a bit of humour. All allies within earshot have 80% chance to recover +10 SAN.

Unlocks at LVL5
You can only pick 1

Mending Fabric
Your puppet regenerates 5% of its HP every turn. Outside of combat, you can patch your puppet up back to 100% health if you have thread and a needle.

Unravelling Trickster
Fatal dmg sustained by your puppet will instead dismiss it for 3 turns. Afterwards, your puppet can be summoned again via Pull Strings. Works even if the puppet was disintegrated.

Embroider elemental runes into your puppet, attuning it to an element of your choice (earth, wind, fire, water, or arcane). Your puppet will now be able to cast the basic spells of the selected grimoire. It cannot benefit from the perks associated with the grimoire. It does not have access to its ultimate spells. It cannot combine its spells with another like Conjurers can.

The puppet is now a ranged caster. When combat starts, you can order your puppet to a specific position on the battlefield as a free action. Then you can command it to cast specific spells.

Discarded Doll

Abandon your puppet, converting your STR points into DEX. You can no longer summon a puppet.


Unlocks at LVL10

Scathing Mockery

Grand Guignol
Skill. Put on a shocking show of horror. All non-beast targets must succeed a mettle check of 8+ or be frozen in fear for 1D4 turns.

Fan of Blades
Skill. Cannot be dodged. Twirl to unleash LVL amount of sharp blades up to 10m all around you. Each blade deals STR+DEX Pierce dmg to each enemy, going around clockwise until the number of blades is spent.

Pull Heartstrings
Spell. Sacrifice your puppet to instantly regenerate 100% of your HP. You will only be able to bring your puppet back after a long rest. This spell cannot be cast if you chose Discarded Doll at LVL5.

Die Laughing
Passive. Fatal dmg instead takes you out for 3 turns after which you return to life with 30% HP, cackling maniacally. All non-boss enemies will skip their turn, paralyzed by Fear.

Unlocks at LVL10
You can only pick 1

Twin Dolls

Gain a second puppet minion that will also benefit from the LVL5 perk chosen. This perk cannot be picked if you chose Discarded Doll at LVL5.

Sheer Terror
Your puppet's chance to inflict Terror is now 50%. This perk cannot be picked if you chose Discarded Doll at LVL5.

Any enemy with an intelligence level of primitive or above will lose -5 SAN every time they attack you or you attack them. Below 50% SAN, they are now too afraid to attack you. All of your attacks now have 10% chance to inflict the Terror debuff.
