22 October 2022

People of Eler : Auriel

Continent : Zardunel
Country : Jeddah
Capital : Piriltine
Leaders : Caliph Ophélia Aldenir & Saint Andrew Aldenir
Language : Silvertongue
Affiliation : Daughters of Death
Politics : Caliphate
Religion : God of Death
Alignment : Lawful Neutral
Colour : Purple
Insignia : A golden chalice bearing a shiny diamond
Favoured Class : Enchanter
Immortality : Being one with Death
Life Expectancy : 200 years
Height : 5'00-6'06
Weight : 150-250 lbs
Skin : shades of golden
Hair : any colour
Eyes : red, blue, or green are common, other colours less so

When the ancient Midianites sacrificed their God, many of His devouts took their own life to be with Him forever. When the Doom fell upon Midian, those who had remained faithful rose again from the riches of the temple. Their flesh fusing with the treasures offered to the false goddess Empusa.

With no memory of who they once were, they renamed themselves Auriel for the golden skin they now bore, and left the now freezing Ghaur for the continent of Zardunel. There they used magick to enslave the local Bantaks as a workforce to build their capital. After centuries of maltreatment, the Bantaks rebelled and left to rebuild their life on the desolate continent of Ghaur.

The Auriels outlawed slavery long ago, but fell into misery from the isolation of their caliphs, believing their bloodline to be cursed. Until Ophélia, with the help of her husband Andrew, took the mantle of power by killing her father. She reopened the palace and listened to her people. She brought order back with an iron fist, having no pity for criminals, and distributing riches evenly amongst the populace. Since then, the Auriels have known peace and prosperity.

Many pilgrims travel to Piriltine to offer their final moments to the immortal caliph, often gifting riches as tribute, which Ophélia uses to make sure her people are never left in need.

Priding themselves on being the fairest race of Eler, many Auriels are quite full of themselves. They have golden skin embedded with bioluminescent gems that often leave other races dazzled. Those gems grow out of wounds in place of scar tissue and thus many use this particularity to create intricate designs upon their flesh through self-mutilation. Auriel eyes are entirely coloured, even the sclera, with the border of their irises mimicking the shade of the crystals adorning their body. Their pupils are diamond shaped and they can see in complete darkness. They possess mercury-like blood, which is highly poisonous to other races. As such one must be very careful when battling an Auriel. Although, this seldom happens for they are a peaceful race who easily get by with their charms alone.


The Auriels favour numerous layers of lavish, embroidered silks as clothing to shield their body from the harsh desert winds of Zardunel. Through their innate arcane abilities, they weave starlight into their garments, further accenting their otherworldly beauty.

The most devout of Auriel arcanists have foregone their eyesight to the higher mysteries and thus remain with their eyes veiled as a mark of status.


No Posthumous Memory
The Auriels have a very close relationship with death. They loathe sepulchres and tombs. They believe in returning to the earth which bore them, leaving no grave. The dead are disposed of in an ecological fashion. Either through sky burial or turned into mulch to fertilize the fields.

Death is cause for celebration. Sadness is washed away by the mourners watching the lands flourish around them, knowing that their loved ones are now part of the beauty.

A dead Auriel possesses no monument. Their memory only lives on as long as people are willing to talk about them. As such, Auriel history is hardly documented and shrouded in myths and legends.

Lack of Church
Their God living (or rather unliving) amongst them means that there is no need for places of worship nor priests who claim to speak for the divine. In ancient times, the Auriels worshipped Empusa, the Goddess of Death, a remnant of the lost Midianite religion. She was cast off as a false idol and her devout worshipers were exiled to the Ahmed Isles. Her statues were defaced, carving her gorgeous visage into that of a skeleton instead. Her numerous temples were stripped of their holiness converted into places offering alms for the poor, orphanages, schools, and other services.

Despite having their God so close, the Auriels seldom see Him. Those who seek an audience are those who cannot bear to live any longer and offer their life to Him. There is no real worship nor virtues nor sins. Only popular morals such as lying being distasteful, harming others being unacceptable, and stealing being selfish. Acts which bring more beauty into the world are considered highly. Auriel society is small, closed off, and has virtually no criminals. On the rare occasions where a felony is committed, Saint Andrew is judge, jury, and executor.STATS & SKILLS

HP 7
MP 8
DEX 10
CHR 13
toxic 8
disease 5
wind 4
fire 8
water 2
life n/a
death 7
blood 5
cosmic 7


Being considered the fairest race on Eler, the Auriels are aglow with golden skin studded by precious gems. They are aware of their effect on other races and thus are very difficult to resist. Gain +3 charisma against all non-Auriel humanoids.

Silver Veins
Auriel blood is like mercury and highly toxic. Any attack that cause you to Bleed has a 50% chance to deal 1D4+2 Toxin damage to the attacker every turn for 5 turns. If the attack is a bite, if a non-elite creature delivered the bite, they will deal -5 dmg for the next 3 turns and then perish regardless of their HP left. An elite creature take 1D4+10 Toxin damage every turn for 5 turns, but will not perish if they have HP left.

Auriels possess Night Vision. Bioluminescent crystals and eyes can be a boon in dimly lit areas, but also result in a -2 stealth.

Class Bonus : Performer -> Yilan (Jeddite heritage only)
+1 mastery
Weapon Specialization : Dual Daggers

Class Bonus : Conjurer -> Arcanist (Alizarin heritage only)
+1 mastery
Weapon Specialization : Focus

Available Classes
- Fighter
- Knight
- Summoner
- Hunter
- Assassin
- Performer
- Priest
- Conjurer
- Seer
- Alchemist