23 October 2022

People of Eler : Bantak

Continent : Ghaur
Countries : Luusüm, Ganereg, Tostolbo
Capital : Delkhiin
Leader: Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Language : Banetongue
Affiliation : Triumvir of Dragonslayers, Order of the Nameless
Politics : Socialism
Religion : Forbidden
Alignment : Chaotic Good
Colour : Red
Insignia : A red lance piercing a black dragon's head
Immortality : N/A
Life Expectancy : 250 years
Height : 8'00-9'00
Weight : 450-600 lbs
Skin : shades of brown or grey
Hair : black, brown, red, orange, yellow, blond (very rare)
Eyes : black, brown, yellow, red, orange, grey, blue (very rare)

After centuries of slavery at the hands of the Auriels, the Bantaks rebelled. Using magic they had learned from their captors, they summoned demons and freed themselves.

A great exodus took place and almost all of them left Zardunel in favour of Ghaur. The few bastard children of Auriels and Bantaks were left behind to fend for themselves as the Bantaks did not want any ties left with their captor to be brought over.

Eventually, those newly freed Bantaks settled far North, carving a city in the Obsidian Diadem called Kharkhoshuu. Sadly, it wasn't peace they found in their new refuge. Their leader, Mengur, was slain by the warlock Sartaq Nügelten, who had learned to summon terrible demons from the doomed whispers beyond the Obsidian Diadem. Sartaq reigned, callous and cruel, bringing forth countless hellish abominations into the world, including the demigods Helvete and Helena.

Civil war broke, tearing Bantak society apart.

Sartaq's reign lasted for decades until a major mistake caused his downfall. The warlocks' thirst for power caused them to invoke demons ever more difficult to control, resulting in a winnowing of their forces. Meanwhile, the leader of the rebellion, Uzbeg, son of Mengur, found Üüriin'tuyaa, the light of dawn, an ancient lance of unknown origins, within the ice of the cursed lands.

Armed with this relic, and with an army of refugees by his side, Uzbeg slew the dragon Helvete as well as its master, Sartaq. Helena was wounded in battle. Wings torn apart, she retreated inside of Eler's largest volcano, Gürvel, never to be seen again.

Following the war, warlocks were put to the blade and the practice was outlawed. Few escaped this sentence by going into hiding. From the corpse of the dragon demigod, the Bantaks built a new capital city they named Delkhiin. They discovered the secret of Destra alloy by mixing Ghaurian iron with dragon's blood to create incredible weapons and marvels of technology.

Over the centuries, Bantaks have learned the art of hunting dragons, slaying the foul spawn of Helena, still alive in her fortress of fire. They have also developed ways to harness the heat of the volcanoes for their industries. They are considered the best metallurgists in the world. Bantak-made weapons show exceptional craftsmanship and are highly sought after for their creators are reluctant to sell them to outsiders.

They could easily take over and dominate the entire planet, but they are satisfied with their current situation and would rather mind their own business. Their seat of power being in the most hostile region of the planet has resulted in them having virtually no enemies besides themselves in the form of nomadic clans here and there. Despite their warrior-like appearance, they are actually a rather peaceful race. They do not seek conflict with others and settle their disputes with minimal bloodshed.

Although somewhat wary of strangers due to Ghaur being seldom visited, Bantaks aren't against diplomatic relationships and commerce. They count the Margraces amongst their closest allies. A relationship other races find rather strange due to the two being almost complete opposites.

One of the first races. The Bantak are the largest humanoids on Eler. Their skin is ashen grey, they have big, pointy ears, and a tusked mouth filled with sharp fangs. They stand on digitigrade legs, having pads underneath their feet so they can walk the inhospitable lands they call home. They have a long tail with a tuft of hair at the tip. All Bantaks are quite hirsute, sporting an impressive mane is a sign of power.

True to their big cat-like appearance, Bantaks purr when content. They also have a rough, bristly tongue and will lick themselves clean.

There is little sexual dimorphism between men and women. Women are often just as burly and strong and can also grow a beard. They also tend to be more aggressive than men. Bantak society is matriarchal, especially when it comes to children, only the mother is a recognized parent, not the father. Despite this, men can hold positions of power, as long as they have a woman on their side, and do not suffer from oppression.

Boasting muscular physiques and being mostly unaffected by Ghaur's cold climate, the Bantaks often wear very little. Being bare-chested is the norm, even for females, and putting scars won in battle on display is considered very attractive. Accessories often include bones of their vanquished foes as well as practical ornaments made of leather and iron. Pelts from great preys are also worn as cloaks, showing how skilful a hunter the wearer is.

However, if venturing on the surface, they have to cover up to fend off numerous dangers, like Dragon Rain. Thick, reinforced garments of red and black are worn as a shield and to better blend in the volcanic wasteland.

Many Bantaks don warpaint to accentuate their ferocious appearance. Certain colours and motifs are reserved only to exceptional warriors or those of higher standing, like the Khaantor being represented by a very specific shade of blood red. The pigment used is highly persistent and can be worn for years before needing a touch up.


Underground life

The surface is so dangerous in Ghaur that it's only possible to survive underground. Shielded from the dreaded Dragon Rain, constant demonic onslaughts, and the volcanic winter that prevents the growth of crops. Harnessing the tremendous telluric powers of Eler, the Bantaks have excavated networks of subterranean galleries and illuminated everything with long-lasting lamps that mimic sunlight. Underground, the water sources are uncorrupted, perfect to drink and tend to fields.

Bantaks being excellent miners, they know where to dig and how to reinforce areas so they remain standing for ages. All areas are frequently inspected and tended to. The underground cities are marvels to behold and, after a little while, one completely forgets they are deep below the earth.

Religion and magic are banned

Religion is seen as what brought demons into the world. Magic is also forbidden. These are considered highly dangerous and portent of ruin. Budding cults and conjurers are treated with extreme prejudice and either exiled or killed depending on the gravity of their offence. Bantaks do not trust any users of magic, as such, they often refuse to deal with the Auriel and Danaki.

Money is banned
Bantaks despise money. They hate consumerism and taking more than what is needed. They do not believe in individuality. Alone, they die, together, they can overcome anything. Their society helps everyone and no one is mistreated. People naturally gravitate towards works they enjoy and contribute selflessly. Meals are rarely prepared at home, people gather in a massive public kitchen and share food in good company. If someone wants to be a cook for one day, then a blacksmith the next, they are welcome to help. Those who can't contribute or chose not to are not tossed aside. Their presence in the clan is considered important nonetheless.

Children are raised by the clan, not so much their parents. If there's a child somewhere, it's the responsibility of everyone and they will all step up to help if need be. However, due to this peculiarity, this makes Bantak cities frequent dumping grounds for orphans and unwanted children of the other races. Bantaks, however, do not mind. They love children and do not care if they aren't the same as them.

Criminality is extremely low due to Bantaks thinking of others before themselves. Taking more resources than you need is unthinkable. Not looking out for your fellows is unacceptable. There is a tremendously high sense of community and giving back. Those who work against the clan by way of crime are exiled or slain.

Bantaks control the most territory on Eler and are divided into clans ruling over countries.

Luusüm : Capital Delkhiin, Clan Üntsus, Leader Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Ganereg : Capital Giskhöt, Clan Gantgakh, Leader Ainur Luudarga Khaantor
Tostolbo : Capital Khaanyambar, Clan Tengerkhün, Leader Narny Büslekh Khaantrix
Orkhison : Capital Chötgör, Clan Orkhin, Leader Osarn Koschei the Immortal
Khüsner : Capital Kharkhoshuu, Clan Tamlaj, Leader Lazare Khelshatakh Ikh'dainy
Zürkhalakh : Capital Narnuur, Clan Zürkhal, Leader Mukhtar Samir Khaantor 

The countries of Luusüm, Ganereg, and Tostolbo are united under the Triumvir of Dragonslayers. Galmur, Khaantor of Luu'süm and Ainur, Khaantor of Ganereg, are brothers. Narny, Khaantrix of Tostolbo, is their mother.

The country of Orkhison lies deep within the impassable northern mountains.

The country of Khüsner is far north, where the Obsidian Diadem lay. It is home to the reviled Tamlaj clan, warlocks and all manner of unsavoury practitioners of forbidden magic. Their leader, the grand warlock Lazare, vows to one day kill Galmur and take all that he possesses. For the Tamlaj clan, religion is not forbidden. They worship the great serpents of Helen, Tiamare and Ahab'zur.

The country of Zürkhalakh is the only one not in Ghaur. It's the original territory of the Bantaks in Zardunel. They have no contact with their northern cousins and care not about them. Though the Auriel territorial expansion pushed them far into the Thuruntsöl desert, they have found ways to thrive. Demonology and arcane arts are commonplace amongst the Zürkhal clan. However, they have foregone traditional magic and abandoned their gods in favour of worshipping the Anomaly of the desert : the Great Weaver's Needle. A black monolithic obelisk that reaches high into the skies and refracts reality around it. As such, their spells are twisted, eldritch, and unpredictable.


HP 10
MP 6
STR 12
DEF 10
toxic 8 (Üntsus immune)
disease 8 (Üntsus immune)
wind 3
fire 8 (Tengerkhün 10)
water 6 (Gangakh 10)
life n/a
death 4
blood 5
cosmic 4


Might of Lions
Bantaks are naturally immense and muscular, resulting in +2 Intimidation, +2 STR and having the Unyielding Grasp skill as baseline. This totals to +4 STR.

Your black blood clots the moment it comes in contact with air. Not only are you immune to the Bleed debuff, but cut limbs can be reattached and will be fully functional again in just a few days. The Grievous Wound debuff does not drain your HP. You can only kill a Bantak by decapitation or disintegration. It is easier to take a Bantak out of combat by debilitating them than attempting to kill them directly.

Padded Feet
Your thick furry soles are better than any boots. Take -2 damage of any type on harmful terrains. You also have a good grip on slippery surfaces, giving you +6 to saving throws if you were to slip on ice, wet floor, etc.

Your choice of Clan will determine your appearance and grant you one additional boon.


Bantaks native to Luu'süm. Famed dragon hunters sporting blood red warpaint. Their large, luxurious manes of hair are easily recognizable.

Hyperactive Immune System
Gain the Iron Stomach skill as baseline. You are immune to all toxins and diseases (except Dragon Rain Syndrome). Being splashed by Auriel blood will cause no damage. Swallowing Auriel blood will only mildly inconvenience you, preventing you from eating within the following hour.

Dragon Hunter

Gain an additional + LVL Physical dmg against draconic enemies.

Bantaks native to Tostolbo. Blacksmiths and engineers of genius, their work is prized all across the world. Their warpaint is black as oil and soot. Living so close to volcanoes and machinery, they are the only clan that cut their hair short. Most of their scars are burns rather than cuts.

Gain the Wilderness Survival : Volcano skill as baseline. The Heat resist of the skill stacks with yours, netting you a base total of 12 Heat resist. You will be one tough cookie to burn. If within 200km of the Great Volcano Gürvel, you can beseech it for a boon or weather change once per week (8 days).


If you have the right tools for the job, you can repair most machinery.

Bantaks native to Ganereg. Famed whalers and survivors of the north. White warpaint on their pale skin make them quite distinct.

Gain the Wilderness Survival : Snow skill as baseline. The Cold resist of the skills stacks with yours, netting you a base total of 12 Cold resist. You certainly won't be needing a coat when going outside. Your paws are larger than your fellow Bantaks, resulting in no movement penalty on snowy terrain.

Whenever you are fishing, you have a 30% chance to reel in 2 fish instead of one.

Bantaks are quite wary of magic and distrust its users. As such, their race has no available caster class.

- Warrior
- Knight
- Engineer
- Hunter
- Musketeer
- Assassin
- Performer
- Alchemist

Bantaks native to the Zürkhalakh desert in Zardunel. They are leaner and smaller than their northern counterparts. Their skin tends to be brown rather than grey and they don cobalt blue warpaint. They are vilified and distrusted by most and would better be suited for an evil campaign. Aside from allegiance to their clan, they may find themselves serving the Valakian Empire as mercenaries or slave drivers.

Zürkhal Bantaks cannot become Knight or Engineer. However, they can become Priest or Conjurer.

The stats of a Zürkhal Bantak are different than that of the northern ones.

HP 8
MP 10
SAN 10
toxic 9
disease 6
wind 5
fire 7
water 6
life n/a
death 5
blood 4
cosmic 6

Zürkhal Bantaks benefit from the three basic Bantak racials and, like other clans, have their own unique set of boons.

Desert Dweller
Gain the Wilderness Survival : Desert skill as baseline. Your paws are perfectly adapted to the burning sands, preventing damage and movement penalty while walking on such terrain. The drastic temperature difference between day and night affect you very little.

Anyone can recognize a Zürkhal and you have a terrible reputation. This nets you a -3 to CHR but a +3 to Intimidation. Given your status, you are able to make yourself scarce if need be, gaining +2 to Stealth. Be aware that many merchants in countries not affiliated with the Empire will not want to trade with you, branding you a thief and a cutthroat. Some inns and taverns will also refuse you entrance.