24 October 2022

People of Eler : Danaki

Continent : Almer
Country : Mortailes
Capital : Dan
Leader : Mambo Victoria Meinand
Language : Danak
Affiliation : Daughters of Death
Politics : Theocracy
Religion : Maman Ménandu
Alignment : Lawful Neutral
Colour : Green
Insignia : An emerald serpent crowning a white skull
Immortality : Necromancy
Life Expectancy : 200 years
Height : 4'00-5'00
Weight : 90-150 lbs
Skin : from brown to black
Hair : blond, orange, red, pink, purple
Eyes : purple, blue, yellow, orange, red, pink, grey, silver (extremely rare)


The Danakis rule the continent of Almer after taking power over their Margrace neighbours. They have dabbled in necromancy for millennia and are feared by most thanks to their potent voodoo magick.

In ancient times, their Mambo, Ménandu, was murdered by her husband, whose name was wiped from history, after she had successfully resurrected their daughter with an unknown power. Nevertheless, Ménandu rose back from the grave to condemn her traitor husband and his followers, who were promptly cast out into the mountains.

Ménandu oversaw her people's well-being for more than a millennium, teaching them necromancy. One day, she crumbled to dust, leaving behind the newborn she had been pregnant with ever since her death. This baby girl became the new Mambo and Ménandu's lineage still endures to this day, her descendants bearing the surname Meinand.

The Danakis are a prosperous people and necromancy is so commonplace now that even children can control zombies of their own. These creatures have their place in society and are considered like real people despite their lack of mind. Marrying a zombie and/or adopting zombie children is perfectly normal. The undead have as many rights as the living and one will be imprisoned for harming or exploiting a zombie.

Three hundred years ago, the Danaki took power over the Margraces. These people being the descendants of the traitor's followers, the Danakis believed it was rightful for them to be ruled. Striping the church, once the supreme Margrace authority, of all power, a Mambo-appointed governor is now at the helm of the population. Margraces are kept on a tight leash and, after three centuries of oppression, the people are beginning to rebel.

Nowadays, the present governor, Valère Langevin, was unanimously hated after marrying Mambo Victoria Meinand, only sixteen years of age. The union between Danaki and Margrace highly taboo, this marriage caused an outrage. Many agreed he had groomed her in order to access his prestigious position.

And they were right. An excellent manipulator, Valère has the Mambo in his pocket. Although he did manage to reclaim a certain form of independence for his people, he is a tyrannical ruler. Now the Margraces are under his yoke, and his Knights of St-Frusquin lack any sort of pity.

One of the first races, the Danakis sport large, pointy ears, which they often make even bigger by wearing heavy earrings. Their most defining feature might be their large, brightly-coloured eyes and their freckles. They have dark skin, are often chubby, and very short as well. Despite their appearance, they strike fear into the heart of other races due to their necromantic practices. Fiery hair is common, which they never cut, but instead wear in long dreadlocks. In this tangle, they weave charms, grisgris, leaves, flowers, and especially zombified venomous snakes. The Danakis are extremely fond of these animals, believing them to be the messengers of Ménandu. They are kept as more than pets, but close friends, and are not relinquished in death.

Danakis do not like wearing a lot. Unlike their Margrace neighbours, who cover up almost obsessively, Danakis view excessive clothing as a sign that someone has something to hide. Bare skin is common and imperfections are viewed as what makes each and everyone unique. However, the Danakis love jewellery and often sport myriads of brass bangles, gemstones, seashells, and wooden beads. Most draw elaborate patterns on their skin using henna to further accentuate the natural beauty of their exposed body.

When clothes are required, such as during the rainy season, or when venturing out in the treacherous jungles they call home, the Danakis will cover up. Woven spidersilk, barks and branches, and dried grass create resistant and light garments. They seldom travel far away from their borders simply because they do not like to cover up and, most of all, hate wearing shoes. They believe that always being in contact with the earth makes them always in contact with death, which they value above everything else. Communion with the elements is considered vital. Since Ménandu is worshipped as a mother goddess, she is often associated with the earth.


Stitched together
Danakis replace damaged limbs with others. Necromancy keeps them bound. With time, they end up looking like patchwork voodoo dolls. Especially since a lot of their spells demand they hurt themselves to be efficient.

Gendered practice
Necromancy is only taught to Danaki women. Only they can raise the dead and command zombies. Men must practice more subtle sorts of necromancy, such as haruspicine. They are allowed to raise animals and communicate with the spirit world. Even though Danaki society is highly matriarchal and only women are allowed to rule and become necromancers, men act as a bridge between the living and the dead. Their visions and advice are highly sought after and they are believed to hold the wisdom of the spirits.

One with nature
Danakis do not consume meat and only use animal products taken with respect. An egg can be eaten, but it is a gift from the local chickens and must be treated as such. If a cow dies of natural causes, its leather can be taken to make useful items.

If a village is destroyed by the elements, like a flood or violent storm, it is abandoned, the disaster taken as a sign that nature does not want humans there. Buildings are woven into the trees, respecting the established environment. Liana are guided to create bridges.

Snakes occasionally serve as sacrifice in haruspicine. However, the haruspex prepares for the ritual, asking the spirits to send a snake their way. In the coming days, if the request was accepted and deemed worthy, the haruspex will encounter the animal without looking for it. It must not be someone's pet but come from the jungle. The snake must not flee nor try to bite. That is when the haruspex knows this is the one. This snake becomes a willing sacrifice, and its spirit will seek the answers in the land of the dead and return to whisper them to the haruspex in his dreams. This is the only occasion where an animal would be voluntarily killed. The snake's corpse is mummified, given grand funerals, and entombed within the sacred serpentine necropolis in Dresdène.


HP 8
MP 12
ATU 10
CHR 10
toxic immune
disease 8
wind 6
fire 5
water 2
life n/a
death 8
blood 6
cosmic 5


Death's Bargain
Fatal damage instead shatters your soul from your body. For the next 5 turns, you cannot take action. If, after 5 turns, your body is not destroyed, you can regain it with only 1hp, 1mp, and 1 stam remaining.

Serpent Kinship
You are immune to all forms of venom damage from insects and reptiles. In addition, your past pet snakes are zombified and woven into your hair. All melee attackers have a 25% chance to be struck and envenomed, dealing 1D4 Toxin damage every turn for 5 turns.

Grave Fear
+1 intimidation to all non-Unholy humanoids. Though short in stature and cheerful in nature, the Danakis strike fear into the hearts of many due to their use of dark magic. Only sapient demons and the accursed are not swayed by their presence.

Class Bonus
Summoner -> Necromancer (female only)
+1 mastery
+1 additional intimidation
Baseline : Death Magic

Seer -> Haruspex (male only)
+1 mastery
+2 perception
Serpent Kinship becomes Serpent Devotion. Melee attackers are guaranteed to be struck and envenomed, dealing 3D4 necrosis damage every turn for 5 turns.

Available classes
- Fighter
- Summoner
- Hunter
- Assassin
- Performer
- Priest
- Conjurer
- Seer
- Alchemist