25 October 2022

People of Eler : Margrace

Continent : Almer
Country : Exilieu
Capital : Margracier
Leader : Governor Valère Langevin
Language : Margrançois
Affiliation : Order of the Nameless
Politics : Dictatorship
Religion : Church of the Nameless
Alignment : Neutral Good
Colour : Blue
Insignia : A white mountain upon a blue sky
Favoured Class : Knight
Immortality : Severing body and soul
Life Expectancy : 200 years
Height : 6'00-7'00
Weight : 100-125 lbs
Skin : pale
Hair : black
Eyes : black

Margraces are the descendants of the exiled Danakis after the murder of Ménandu. The capital, Margracier, was founded by Ménandu's husband and murderer whose name was erased from history. To his people, he is now known as the Nameless. He built the Church and lived a life of devotion to others in order to atone for his sins. Four millennia after his death, he is still the central figure of Margrace religion and an example to live by.

Margrace means "walking gracefully", a name they were given after keeping their heads high with pride even in exile. Cast out for rejecting necromancy, they still revile the practice to this day. When a Margrace dies, their body is burned to ashes so that they may never rise again.

Though small at first, their population has flourished over the centuries. Margracier became labyrinthine, full of intricate architecture, majestic cathedrals, but also dark nooks and crannies, host to criminals and other nefarious things

The city may be full of dark secrets, but most of its inhabitants are kind. The Church preaches selflessness, generosity, non-violence, and peace. In ancient times, an elected Pontiff led the Margraces, but the Danakis put an end to these practices, seeking to regain power over them.

Nevertheless, the Danakis never enforced their necromantic practices upon the Margraces. It is illegal for a Danaki to raise a Margrace into undeath, even with their written consent.

Despite these laws, the Margraces are unhappy under Danaki control. For three centuries they have sought to reclaim their independence, but who could stand up against the army of the dead?

They have no choice but to cast their hope into their current governor, Valère Langevin, who has weaseled his way to power through sheer manipulation. A clever plot to marry his bastard daughter, Énola Meinand, to the future Bantak Khaantor, Abhar Destra, had Valère grow in influence. Should he rally the Bantaks to his cause, he would command the strongest military force of Eler.

In ancient times, Danakis and Margraces weren't so different in appearance. However, they have drastically changed over time. While Danakis still retain traits common to the first races, the Margraces have lost those. Their eyes are as black as their hair. They are tall, gaut, and deathly pale. Their ears are small and round, in fact, they are the only race on Eler to not have large pointy ears.

Margraces are obsessed with their appearance. They hide every inch of their skin, safe for their faces, considering flesh to be vulgar and sign of barbarity. Flesh is so taboo that Margraces strive for perfect androgyny, as gender expression is also considered basic and vulgar. As such, it is often difficult to tell men and women apart.

Due to their extreme prudishness, garments are precious to Margraces. They are a symbol of nobility and purity. Also a way to display wealth, but without ever being gaudy. Elegance is everything. The colour blue being associated with hope and peace, it is very popular in fashion. Lavish silks are often printed with seasonal motifs like blossoming trees or falling snow. To make sure their flesh is never exposed, Margraces wear layers upon layers of clothing. Not only does it keep them warm in the cold, mountainous climate of Exilieu, but it also conceals their emaciated frames.


Beings of mist
Margraces fear the flesh, filth, and undeath so much that, from birth, their bodies and souls are separated. The body is woven into a silken cocoon and locked away, hidden from the world. This projection, a simulacrum, must feed and live a normal life in order to sustain their body, but in effect, they are not entirely corporeal. Margraces can briefly turn into mist, making them extremely good at sneaking and infiltration.

Butterfly motifs are extremely common amongst Margraces, signifying their rebirth from disgusting flesh into a higher being.

Their mist image mirrors that of the mortal body, which continues to wither away in its cocoon. A Margrace will eventually pass away of old age or degenerative illnesses. When this happens, the link is severed and the mist dissipates. The body is then recovered and burned.

The only way to kill a Margrace is by killing their body. You can disperse their mist form for a while, but they will always return. However, there exist rumours of rare, forbidden spells out there that could allow one to sever the unseen link between body and soul. Living the body to slowly die as it will be devoid of the soul's nourishment. No one can be quite sure, however, since arcane secrets are fiercely defended by the Auriels.

The Nameless
Despite being under Danaki control now, Margrace society is still extremely faithful to their Church. Their religion is not centered around a metaphysical being. The Nameless was alive and one of them at some point. Even the most crooked of Margraces will observe a certain modicum of respect for the edicts of the Church. Priests devote their lives to helping others, feeding the poor, tending to the sick, educating the youth. Altruism is considered classy and desirable. For this reason, the nobles tend to be quite generous during tithe and will often give away goods they no longer use to the most needy. It may just be to boast about their generosity over tea with their important friends, but to the Church, as long as the donations keep coming, it matters not if it's solely given for bragging rights.

Magraces and Bantaks are long time allies. Never before had their powers been bound by marriage like now, but they have always been close. Even though they are quite different in terms of culture, both races share common ideologies. Crushing heresies such as necromancy, magick, demonology. Seeking to purge the world of undeath. A very strong sense of community, helping each other, and giving back.

This close relationship of course resulted in half-breed children. The Margraces established in Ghaur built the city of Kharansar. This is where most Bantak/Margrace families live and raise their children. Kharansar became the word used to describe the half-breed. However, it being rather difficult to pronounce correctly for the Margraces, it was eventually translated into Sombrelune (darkmoon).

Being half-Bantak, Sombrelunes are tall and strongly-built. Their eyes and hair usually fairer, making them stand out even more. Unlike those who are half-Danaki, called Marki, the Sombrelunes do not suffer discrimination. They often occupy important places in society.

The most famous of all Sombrelunes was Frusquin who became Pontiff of Margracier. But, instead of establishing himself in the Church of the Nameless, like his predecessors, the opted for a more humble approach. He founded the hamlet Sacré-Cœur-de-L'Indicible (holy heart of the Nameless) in the Valnoir region, a valley between the two mountains that comprise the capital. A lot of inhabitants of Kharansar moved so Sacré-Cœur-de-L'Indicible since Frusquin built an abbey and began recruiting knights to join him in his crusade against heretics of all kinds.

Sombrelunes, much like the Markis, cannot sever body and soul, thus cannot turn into mist. They tend to also be less concerned about the strict dress code, exposing their flesh and priding themselves on being "rebellious".


HP 7
MP 5
DEX 12
CHR 10
SPD 10
toxic 5
disease 6
wind 7
fire 4
water 8
life n/a
death 2
blood 3
cosmic 6

Silver Thread
Margraces are merely a simulacrum, a projection of their being while their true self is stored away, sleeping in one of the Silken Vaults. Taking fatal damage instead breaks the simulacrum. Player respawns at the Silken Vault they have picked at creation with no inventory.

Mist Form
With enough focus, a Margrace can briefly dissipates into mist in order to bypass certain obstacles like prison gates and chain link fences.

Available Classes
Warrior, Knight, Assassin, Hunter, Musketeer, Performer, Priest, Conjurer