26 October 2022

People of Eler : Nirnaelite

Continent : Zardunel
Countries : Valakis, Alizarnon
Capital : Sarna, Nirnael
Leader : Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Language : Valak, Nirneth
Faction : Valakian Empire
Politics : Dictatorship
Religion : Viergerine Odalis, Yhrze
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Colour : Yellow
Insignia : A crescent moon laying under an amber orb
Favoured class : Assassin
Immortality : Achieved
Life Expectancy : Immortal
Height : 7'00-9'00
Weight : 200-300 lbs
Skin : shades of blue
Hair : very pale shades, golden blond is the darkest it gets
Eyes : warm colours are common, cold colours are rarer

Once called Midianites, they used to live in the northernmost reaches of Ghaur. Their country has long sank below the Sea of Leene.

Blinded by their desire for immortality, for how could the fairest race of Eler be left to die, the Midianites profaned the God of Death and were befell by a horrible curse for their transgression. Their once great empire vanished from one day to the next and there are no trace left of it today.

Those faithful to the God of Death sacrificed themselves and were subsequently raised as the Auriels. They had no memory of who they once were and settled in Zardunel, abandoning their accursed homeland without so much as a glance back.

Of the hundreds of thousands of Midianites that lived in Ghaur, only 98 remain today. The God of Death had cursed them to devour each other with an insatiable hunger. The vast majority died that way. Some preferred to take their own lives.

The 98 saved are still bearing the curse. They were the followers of Yhrze, whose high priest would later become Imperator Algernon Baudoin. Yhrze could not undo the curse, but instead made it to be served for all eternity. Thus a handful of Midianites were spared, but now were forced to live forever with the horrific mutilation caused by their peers' ravening hunger.

Much like the Auriels, they also settled in Zardunel. However, the relations between the two people are anything but peaceful despite once being friends and family.

Cursed to never enjoy the sun again, they found a new home in the ruins underneath the old fishing village, Sarna. The ruins were named Nirnael, thus the Midianites became the Nirnaelites. They only use the name Nirnaelite amongst themselves. On the surface, they are Valakians like everyone else.

Over the millennia, Algernon Baudoin rose to power above ground and the humble Sarna became the cosmopolitan epicentre of Eler. Valakis is a cultural melting pot. The country is highly populated where folks from all walks of life converge. Although many of them are travellers, plenty have permanently established themselves in Valakis over the centuries. Its prosperity being in commerce and tourism, Valakis sees countless eclectic visitors every year.

Although the country of Alizarnon is part of the Empire, they have their own ruler there and the Nirnaelites tend to only visit if absolutely necessary. Alizarnon pledges allegiance to the Imperator, sending riches and food to Valakis in return for protection against its neighbouring countries, Jeddah and Zürkhalakh.

Being one of the first races of Eler, they have bright eyes and pointy ears. They are quite tall with skin blue like the sky. One of their most distinguishing features is their very long and pointy noses. Something that is not found in any other race on Eler.

They used to be quite fair, considering themselves pinnacles of beauty. However, after the curse ravaged them, they all have become monstrous in appearance. Blue skin sags like an oversized garment over their bones. Most have lost their nose and lips to the hunger of others. Their eyes are twisted, pupils collapsed, irises glowing and shifting. Their spindly hands are spidery and clawed.

Despite their decrepit appearance, Nirnaelites are quite strong and agile. They are remarkable fighters. Since pain and death are no longer concerns of theirs, they are fearless in battle and will savage their victims with a brutality that would make even the most hardened sadists avert their eyes.

The Nirnaelites are not known to other races since they blend amongst the local populace. Their immortal Imperator being essentially worshipped as a deity in the flesh by the people, his fashion choices of covering every inch of his body and donning a mask are adopted by many. As such, the monstrous Nirnaelites have no issues fitting in.

Since a lot of people are masked and elegantly dressed, Sarna seems to be hosting a permanent carnival.

Although it is for wildly different reasons, the Nirnaelites share their extreme prudery towards flesh with the Margraces. As such, their masks are often made to replicate Margrace visages. Their fashion, however, is nothing alike. Though both races enjoy fine garments, the Nirnaelites are much more eccentric and bombastic in their style. Yellow, gold, and black are considered marks of opulence and class.

The colour white is forbidden in all of Valakis. Not because of any laws or decree. The Imperator is always dressed in white, and due to his near godly status, the people have chosen not to wear white as a sign of respect. It's been an unspoken rule for millennia and white fabric is not sold anywhere in the country. Anyone who would dare wear white out in public would get filth thrown at them until the garment is entirely stained.

The Imperator himself does not care at all if someone else wears white, but he appreciates the show of respect.


+Two capitals
For all the people of Valakis, the capital is Sarna, the official language is Valak, and the religion is centred around Viergerine Odalis, the moon. Her temple is more a place of introspection and meditation, however, since most people believe the Imperator is a deity due to his immortality. No one knows he's actually a Nirnaelite.

For the Nirnaelites, the capital is Nirnael, the official language is Nirneth, which is simply what they renamed Midianese to, and their god is Yhrze, whose true name cannot be spoken to outsiders. Nirnael is very well-hidden below Sarna. Only secret passages can lead one to it. If, by some misfortune, a mortal wanders into Nirnael, they are never getting back to the surface.

+Mortals are merely cattle
Nirnaelites are still afflicted with the curse of ravenous hunger which can only be assuaged by consuming living flesh and blood. Animals taste repulsive to them. They will only eat them if absolutely desperate. Human meat is what they need to keep the hunger at bay.

Being immortal, it's possible for them to just fight through the pain and eventually enter a state beyond hunger. The body will be desiccated and weak, pain and pleasure no longer felt, every sense dulled, emotions diminished. In this state, a Nirnaelite can either chose to be entombed and enter a death-like sleep or to just continue with their life feeling almost nothing.

Most cannot bear the state beyond hunger. As such, mortal flesh is required to feed the famished. Even though there are only 77 Nirnaelites in Nirnael out of 98 surviving, their need for meat is endless.

Some poor souls are snatched from the surface to be consumed, but this is a relatively rare occurrence. The Nirnaelites have a section of their city that serves as a human farm. Generations have grown and died there, knowing nothing of the surface. They are all completely brainwashed into viewing Nirnaelites as gods and saviours. Mothers offer their babies to be eaten with glee. People feel blessed when they are devoured alive and screaming.

Immortality has made the Nirnaelites cold and uncaring to human suffering and have long stopped treating mortals as their equals. Although some enjoy close relationships with humans, sooner or later, they will end up being dinner.

Eternal life is boring. Being too hideous to mingle with outsiders is boring. Nirnaelites curb their boredom by organizing lavish parties where banquets and orgies last for weeks. Their human cattle are pitted against each other in combat to the death or abused for entertainment in the coliseum.

Although some Nirnaelites prefer using their immortality to research the arcane mysteries or perhaps even find a way to undo their curse, they still need time to unwind every now and then.

Dancing and theatre are also very common activities to pass their time with.