05 December 2022

Capital : Delkhiin

Capital of Luu'süm, the Bantaks' seat of power.
Ruler : Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Population : 480 000 inhabitants, 70% Bantak, 20% Marki, 10% Margrace


Underground Gardens
All Bantak cities are located underground due to the inhospitable nature of Ghaur. Whether it's dragons, volcanic activity, or eternal winter due to the constant billowing smoke in the skies, populations fare much better below the earth. The Bantaks have used their engineering prowess to harness the telluric forces of the abundant volcanoes in order to power all sorts of machinery. Artificial light and misting systems have been installed to grow crops in caves. The ashen soil is rich in nutrients, making harvests bountiful.

Transghaurian Railway
Ghaur being an awfully dangerous continent, it is ill-advised to travel above ground. As such, the Bantaks excavated immense tunnels connecting major cities together. The greatest of which nearly spans the entire width of Ghaur, from its capital, Delkhiin in Luu'süm, to Ulyndalf on the coast of Tostolbo. There used to be an even greater tunnel, connecting Delkhiin to Kharkhoshuu in the northern reaches of Khüsner. Unfortunately, centuries ago, the tunnel collapsed due to it running underneath the Gurvel volcano. It is due to said collapse that Kharkhoshuu became isolated and is now home to all sorts of heretics and warlocks.

The Titan Forges
All Bantak cities are quite industrial, be it for mining or the production of various goods. Delkhiin prides itself on its colossal forges that process the rare and valuable Destra alloy, Ghaurian steel tempered with dragon's blood, making it nigh indestructible. This substance is prized by the Bantaks and they are not keen on relinquishing it. Only the greatest warriors are bestowed the honour of wielding a weapon made of Destra. Only a few were ever made and, when an honoured warrior perishes, the weapon is passed down to another worthy of owning it.