03 December 2022

Capital : Piriltine


Capital of Jeddah, the Auriels' seat of power.
Ruler : Caliph Ophélia Aldenir & Saint Andrew Aldenir
Population : 290 000 inhabitants, 100% Auriel

The fabled jewel of the East, home of the reclusive Auriels. There is only one road leading to the city and seldom are strangers welcomed. Since its founding, four millennia ago, it has been ruled by the Donovan family.


Jeddah, Mother of Death
Piriltine is famous for its immense statue, carved within the mountain, that overlooks the entire city. This used to be a statue of the goddess Empusa, a remnant of Midian. Her visage has been defaced and carved into a skull instead. The statue was always referred to as Jeddah rather than Empusa. The country was named after her. Jeddah meaning "mother" in Silvertongue, she is considered the mother of the Auriel race. As such, they view themselves as being born of death.

The Pink Palace
When Ophélia became caliph, she tore down the walls separating the palace from the city. The palace of Piriltine used to be heavily fortified, nothing more than a lavish prison. Fearing the curse of the Donovans, no one was allowed to step outside its walls and few were allowed to enter. Having braved the world and survived, Ophélia did not want to be a recluse, cut off from the struggles of her people. On top of leveling most of the surrounding walls, she had the entire palace repainted in pink, her favourite colour.

The Masmavir
The great river Masmavir irrigates most of Jeddah. Its magnificent gulf is a sight to behold in Piriltine. The Masmavir, combined with the surrounding Kolkat Mountains, make the city impregnable.