13 December 2022

Defilement : Ruins of Iben

Location : Valakis, Zardunel
Potency : lethal

What now looks like quiet ruins in the Valakian countryside were once the site of the most wanton massacre in history.

Iben was once a thriving metropolis which opposed Algernon's ambition of creating an empire. When Algernon married the king of Marnek, he found himself at the helm of a tremendous army such as the world had never seen before. He used this newfound power to make all of Valakis submit, by intimidation or by force.

In their attempt to resist, the denizens of Iben were all massacred. The city was burned to the ground and none of its 75 000 inhabitants were spared. Men, women, children, the elderly, and even pets and cattle were put to the sword. Their bodies were defiled, left to rot out in the open without proper burial.

Today, all that remains of Iben are a few quiet ruins. The scenery seems peaceful, but those slain hold an eternal grudge.