10 December 2022

Capital : Nirnael

Hidden below Sarna, it is the true Nirnaelites' seat of power.
Ruler : Imperator Algernon Baudouin the Hierophant of Yhrze
Population : 6000 inhabitants, 95% Nirnbrood, 4,9% Auriel, 0.1% Nirnaelite

The ancient ruins of Nirnael are even older than Sarna itself. When the Midianites first set foot in the city, those who used to inhabit it were long gone. One might wonder, was this ever truly a living city, or perhaps was it a necropolis? An eerie atmosphere permeates the area. It was, however, a perfect location for the accursed Midianites who reviled sunlight and were hideous to behold.

Out of the 102 surviving Midianites, only 78 inhabit the city and now call themselves Nirnaelites. The majority of the population are humans kept as cattle. Bred underground for millennia, unaware of the outside world, the Nirnbrood are a mix of all the races and thus look quite peculiar. There are also a few Auriels, rare treats since their highly poisonous blood is like a drug for the Nirnaelites.