10 December 2022

Capital : Sarna

Capital of Valakis, the Nirnaelite's seat of power.
Ruler : Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Population : 520 000 inhabitants, 35% Bantak, 27% Marki, 18% Margrace, 13% Danaki, 7% Auriel

The mercantile epicentre of Eler, it is also the most populated city by far. Its pleasant climate and beautiful scenery make it a popular tourist destination as well. The Sarnalien high society are icons of class and style. The city's timeless architecture is often imitated as a symbol of power and grandeur.


The Colosseum
Hedonism is rampant in Sarna. To keep the populace entertained, nothing quite compares to the excitement of the games in the massive Colosseum. From carriage races to gladiatorial combats, there is never a shortage of spectacle to delight the masses.

Karkléftis, the Pirate Cove
What better way to defend the coast of the richest city in the world than to hire the scoundrels that would plunder it? The pirates of Karkléftis have long been employed by the Imperator as mercenaries to keep the Gulf of Ayres safe. These pirates are free to pillage and plunder enemies of Valakis on the coast of Zürkhalakh.

The Eye of Odalis
There are, in truth, two entries into the Gulf of Ayres leading to Sarna. One guarded by pirates, the other impassable due to an Anomaly. The Eye of Odalis is an immense vortex that swirls and churns without cease. It obeys no laws of physics and stirs in unpredictable ways. As such, it is impossible to sail nearby. No one knows what causes the phenomenon, but it is quite beautiful when observed from a safe distance.