10 December 2022

Continent : Ghaur

Ghaur is the northernmost continent on Eler. Intense volcanic activity has covered the skies in a thick layer of smoke, causing an eternal winter. In these unforgiving lands of fire and ice, most cities are located underground. It is home almost exclusively to diverse clans of Bantaks and a few Margraces.


Country : Luu'süm
Capital : Delkhiin
Leader : Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Inhabitants : Üntsus Clan

Rife with boiling marshes, volcanoes, and great battlefields, Luu'süm is an inhospitable land. Nevertheless, it is the seat of the Khaantor's fortress and thus the most politically significant country in Ghaur. An immense iron bridge connects Exilieu and Delkhiin, flavouring commercial exchanges between Bantaks and Margraces.

The accursed countries, Luu'süm, Tostolbo, and Gyalkhii, are often pelted in glutinous rains that decimate anything in its path. Animals have mutated into demonic monsters. Horrible, misshapen creatures with distorted, squamous limbs. Not only are they dangerous, but they're also inedible.

Luu'süm is only partially afflicted. Although the surface is tainted, the earth and water underground are rich and pure. As such, cities are built deep below and have great agriculture. The ingenious Bantaks having managed to replicate sunlight artificially to grow their crops and raise fish in cavernous lakes.

The name Luu'süm means 'dragon temple' in Banetongue. In Bantak culture, a temple is not for cults, but a sepulchre. The territory is named such because the dragon demi-god Helvete was slain there by Uzbeg Khaantor during the civil war. The clan name, Üntsus, means 'ashen blood', a name they took after Helena, wife of Helvete, placed a curse upon their blood, turning it black and boiling.


Country : Tostolbo
Capital : Khaanyambaar
Leader : Narny Büslekh Khaantrix
Inhabitants : Tengerkhün Clan

Tostolbo is the country most afflicted by the malediction, but attracts an impressive workforce due to the mines, oil, and other various industries. There is never a shortage of work in Tostolbo and many brave the dangers of the country to earn a living.

Aside from its inhabitants, Tostolbo is nearly devoid of life aside from the wild demons. Being so close to the volcano Gurvel, the land is a vast desert of black ash marred with rivers of lava. Therefore they entirely depend on victuals from Luu'süm, brought via railway, to survive.

The region was founded by the Tengerkhün clan, great voyagers responsible for mapping the entire planet. Decades ago, the Khaantor of Tengerkhün, Renur Ysmur, after becoming a widower, remarried to the Khaantrix of Üntsus, Narny Büslekh, and gave her full power over the region, making both clans even more powerful.

Nowadays, Narny is an old woman commanding utmost respect amongst the Bantaks. When she took her place in Tostolbo, she gave her place in Luu'süm to her first born son from her early marriage, Galmur Tsusmanj.

Tostolbo means 'oil stain' in Banetongue, a name in honour of the oil fields in the region. Tengerkhün means 'sky people' due to their love of travelling as well as their invention of flying machines.


Country : Ganereg
Capital : Giskhöt
Leader : Ainur Luudarga Khaantor
Inhabitants : Gangakh Clan

The nordic region of Ganereg, the largest territory of Ghaur, is untouched by the malediction. Far from the volcanoes is the great, mountainous tundra of Ganereg. Ice fishing and whaling are common activities in the country. Its great forests also supply most of Eler's demand for wood.

Due to the abundance of lakes and rivers, jobs related to hydroelectricity are thriving. Favourable winds from the coast grant Tostolbo rays of the suns, benefiting from a very mild summertime. The great glaciers and permafrost never melt, but it still makes it a popular destination for those seeking traditional Ghaurian vacations.

The Gangakh clan is a branch of the Üntsus clan. Their leader, Ainur, is Galmur's brother. This means that the three major economic powers of Ghaur are all governed by the same family.

Although the region is immense, most of its territory is inhospitable due to the mountains. Many towns have also been deserted a century ago after a major incident at the Mengur'uurkhai mine. Although this was a major blow to the economy and population drastically lowered, Bantaks have persevered.

Ganereg means 'steel shore', named for its coast full of spiked rocks like swords extending outwards. Gangakh means 'steel grip'.


Country : Orkhison
Capital : Chötgör
Leader : Osarn Koschei Ikh'dainy
Inhabitants : Orkhin Clan

Beyond the treacherous Aldarner mountain range lies the seldom visited land of Orkhison. The only passage into the country is through an abandoned mine near Boolchloi, overgrown and well hidden.

Many ruins lie in the eternally frozen landscape, sites of many ancient battles. Necropolis for dragons, built by followers of the warlock Sartaq Nügelten. Most of the area is covered in forests and peaks, with cities being far apart and their inhabitants not taking kindly to strangers.

The infamous Ergüüleg Tower is located in Orkhison. A place of dark, forbidden magic where warlocks and sorcerers hold coven. It is said that even the Witch of Iracomté visits yearly.

Orkhison means 'abandoned' in Banetongue, relating to how its inhabitants feel forgotten by their southern brothers. This resentment led many Orkhin Bantaks to turn to the dark arts, making them more sympathetic to the heretics of Khüsner.


Country : Khüsner
Capital : Kharkhoshuu
Leader : Lazare Khelshatakh Ikh'dainy
Inhabitants : Tamlaj Clan

The eternally frozen north of Ghaur. A place where foul creatures and heretics roam. Plunged in the darkest of nights for most of the year, it is quite an eerie country.

The Tamlaj clan is formed by descendants of the demon-worshipping Bantaks who followed Sartaq Nügelten during the civil war. They have remained in Khüsner since their race first settled there after leaving Zardunel. Despite their perceived evil nature, they are seldom bothered by their enemies due to the nordic territory being unfavourable for warfare. Anyone wishing to invade Khüsner would have to either go through the Khüchil'namag swamp then through the narrow and highly hazardous pass of Tsagaanükhel. The other way in brings anyone to the very borders of the Gyalkhii region, a path too narrow for any army to traverse with unfathomable dangers lurking.

In ancient times, a truce was formed between the Ünstsus and Tamlaj clans. The capitals of Delkhiin and Kharkhoshuu were linked by the greatest railroad ever built. Unfortunately, on the same night as the incident at the Mengur'uurkhai mine, the underground railroad collapsed. Being cut off at the height of political tensions resulted in the already strained relationship to completely deteriorate.

Khüsner means 'wanting' in Banetongue. The region was thus named for the Bantaks' desire for a new beginning after they left Zardunel, far from Auriel oppression. Although it used to belong to the Üntsus clan, it is now solely inhabited by the Tamlaj clan. Tamlaj translates to 'demon-sworn'.


Country : Ghyalkhii

A country without any cities and not belonging to anyone. Ghyalkhii is solely an immense cauldron, surrounded by serrated peaks, like a fortress bordered by the Luu'tsaiz mountains. The Great Volcano Gürvel is at its centre, raging from its thousand chimneys since the dawn of time.

Dragons patrol the skies, darker than the night due to the ash in the air. Some of them so large it would take an entire army to bring them down. A constant hail of fire and brimstone pelts the land. The air is so thick with sulphur and cinders it's unbreathable.

There is no terrestrial access to Ghyalkhii. The mountains are too treacherous to pass over or under and the only breach within is where the Nisleg River lazily sluice into the sea.

Gyalkhii means 'glowing earth' in Banetongue due to the light from lava and volcanic storms being seen hundreds of kilometres around.


Major Cities
- Kharansar
- Erdenes
- Uulyndalf
- Demontorch
- Uzbeg Complex
- Irmeg
- Süirel
- Yörne

- Bulan'butsalgana Underwater Rig
- Dragon Necropolis
- Setgel Fortress

Notable Landmarks
- Obsidian Diadem
- Luu'shüd Badlands
- Mösordon
- Tömör'güür, the Iron Bridge
- Great Lake Shuurgakhyalt Dam
- Luu'khanchlakh, the Eternal Battlefield
- Ergüüleg Tower
- Nisleg River
- Petrified Egg of Balmyron
- Bones of Gulcifer
- Duulsan Forest
- Dölkharaag


- Great Volcano Gürvel
- Mengur'uurkhai
- Shilengaval Falls


- Shöniin'gazar