17 December 2022

Deity : Tiamare & Ahab'zur

From the torn, befouled womb of Barachnelis rose two malevolent entities sharing one soul, the dragons Tiamare and Ahab'zur. Mutated fallopian tubes, like two snakes coiled together, writhing in the dead flesh of the White Spider, parasitizing Her life-giving energies to spawn blasphemous entities. The womb is now its own hellish dimension, named Helen, where demons thrive, awaiting the occasion to seep into the Material World for their own nefarious purposes.

Bantaks are keen demonists and warlocks, having a close relationship with the creatures of Helen. It is said, whenever someone associates with demons, their soul will never know peace in death, but be sent to Helen to be reborn. Such a pact insures that there are always people in the Material World to summon demons.

After the death of Barachnelis, Her corpse became but a mere husk, floating in the cosmos. Though Her remains were pristine, one part of Her festered : Her womb. Defiled by the abortion of Nemeresis, it grew rotten and ushered in new, unspeakable life. Her faloppian tubes, turned accursed serpents, Tiamare and Ahab'zur, coiled and writhed, tied together. Although they were two entities, they shared a single soul, a soul of chaos.

In the womb of the Holy Mother, they vomited Her befouled eggs and bred myriad demons with them. Eventually, the womb became a world in itself. A deep abyss of cold blood in the eternal cosmos.
Tiamare and Ahab'zur, although they were born after the Trinity, they are considered Old Gods. However, they are merely birthing entities, not rulers. In the infernal dimension of the womb, which demons call Helen, the lord is the first child of Tiamare and Ahab'zur, named Laecirus. This entity is known by a few mortals and often referred to as an Old God as well, even though he is merely the child of such entities.

Since the blood of Barachnelis is the source of all life, and since demons are born from Her blood as well, this allows mortals to contact these creatures through dimensions. Demons seek such alliances, promising power in exchange for the intense thrills of life. Demons crave nothing more than sensations. Be it pain or pleasure. Kill or be killed. They would do everything in order to experience everything the Material World has to offer. As such, demons are often sympathetic to mortals, but follow desires and whims only they understand, making them very dangerous to deal with.

No one knows how the art of demon summoning came to be. All of the first races came with their own form of summoning, but only the Bantaks made contact with the beings of Helen. The Midianites contacted the gods. The Danakis contacted the departed. And the Primadores contacted their creator.

The Bantak race saw the rise of the first warlocks, which brought many forms of demons into the world, including dragons, as well as the Reptilian race. Over the centuries, the Bantaks have taught other races how to summon demons into servitude, but very few have been tempted into their ways. To this day, such practices are deemed heretical, even by other Bantaks, for no matter what wild promises the demons make, the cost is always too great and everyone suffers for it.

This has divided the Bantaks into two distinct clans : the Üntsus (ashen blood), who view warlocks with scorn, and the Tamlaj (demon-sworn), who keep the ancient rites alive and believe true strength comes from aligning with demons. These two clans do not see eye-to-eye and have often gone to war with one another. Since the Tamlaj are so few in numbers, the help of demonic servants did little to help them win any of those fights. As such, they are forced to live far away from society and hide their practices.
The most commonly summoned demons are soldiers of the Helenic armies, called Eresh'urta. Shark-like brutes proudly wearing their own flayed skin. The appeal of mortal pleasures always irresistible to them. However, they are difficult to keep under control and most warlocks die at the hands of their would-be servants.

To summon a demon, one must spill their own blood, not that of a victim. The correct sigils must be inscribed and the proper incantation spoken. No one knows where those old rituals come from, but it is rumoured that they originated in the forbidden lands beyond the Obsidian Diadem. Demons need a physical anchor to remain in the Material World, which is their summoner. Once there, they can hide within their body at will and even blend into their shadow. They can never stray far from their warlock or the circle they have been bound to, depending on the ritual.

Demons never speak their true name to anyone. As such, they will often be called by a horrible word such as a disease or a method of torture. Demon names are a closely guarded secret for it is the key to completely enslave one. If a mortal were to know the true name of the demon they control, they would harness a power so devastating, it could potentially be the end of all life. Demons, since they bear an odd affection for mortals, would not profit from the world ending. Therefore they remain rebellious. They may kill for their warlock, but they only do so for pleasure. If they deem their target unworthy or inconvenient, they will refuse to obey, which often leaves warlocks in difficult predicament if their demon decides to bail on them in the middle of battle.

Anyone who seeks to do covenant with demons becomes eternally soulbound to Helen, unable to break from it. Upon death, these people endure excruciating torments until their debt is considered repaid. These souls are considered lost, detached from the Immaterial Plane. Thus, unlike other mortals, they can reincarnate. And those souls will always seek demons in their next life, regardless of their condition or upbringing. The denizens of Helen often remain faithful to the very same warlock through multiple incarnations, developing a strong bond, and perhaps even a twisted form of love.