17 December 2022

Myth : Creation

In the beginning, when the multiverse was entropy, Barachnelis, the White Spider, Goddess of Life, was born from the gap between the Immaterial Planes. Her brilliant aura dispersed the dark entropy and brought light into the multiverse. There She wove a shining silver web, ever expanding, interconnecting dimensions and planes of existence, gathering the cosmic dust of the ages.

Eons passed and the chaos of creation eventually impregnated Her with a force so dangerous She sought to abort it by tearing it out of Her womb.

The child, Nemeresis, the Black Husk, God of Death, the ever-turning wheel of time, survived the ordeal. Terrified and in pain, He lashed at His Holy Mother, accidentally killing Her.

Barachnelis' blood rained upon the web, creating a myriad of planets with life thriving upon them. Barachnelis lost an eye in the attack, which became planet Eler. The optic nerve being the Enchanted Tree, Éméris. It bore the primeval races that would later dominate the lands. From the flowers flourished the Primadores. From the sap sluiced the Midianites. From the leaves unfurled the Danakis. And from the roots grew the Bantaks.

When Nemeresis realized He was unloved by his Mother and had mistakenly killed Her, He felt the full weight of loss and sadness. In His grief, he mourned for ages, entering a dormant state during which the corpse of His Holy Mother was corrupted by demonic forces, the Twin Dragons. Not only that, but the creatures created by Barachnelis' blood were living in eternal torment, bearing the weight of countless years of sadness and suffering.

As Nemeresis stirred again, feeling this unfathomable pain, He beheld all of His Mother's creations, some with a mind of their own, wonderful beings, praying in vain to be released from the agony of eternity. Feeling immense compassion for their plea, Nemeresis finally accepted his place as the one to end all life and granted death to these people, making them mortal, so they could be freed from the suffering of eternity.

And the people rejoiced... for a time.

As millennia passed, like the blink of an eye for an Old God, mortals had all but forgotten their origins. Now, they were all inhabited by an indescribably and irrepressible desire for immortality. To regain a gift they didn't even know they once had and how miserable it had made them.

This led to three of the four first races of Eler to travel and seek answers of their own. The Midianites, Danakis, and Bantaks, departed the hallowed lands surrounding Éméris, driven by a desire to establish dominion over the three continents. The Midianites claimed the peaceful northern reaches of Ghaur, the Bantaks braved the deserts of Zardunel, and the Danakis settled in the lush jungles of Almer.

After the other races had departed, Éméris only kept growing the Primadore who had remained faithful by not severing their ties to the tree. They were forgotten over time, seldom seen by the outsiders. They remain fierce defenders of their homeland to this day.

The Bantaks found their immortality through reincarnation by pactising with demons. The Danakis cheated death by way of necromancy, allowing them to spend a bit more time with their loved ones. None of these solutions proved satisfactory for the Midianites who refused to embrace death altogether. This would eventually lead them to commit the unthinkable.

But regardless of mortal endeavours, what no one knew was that, in the infinite cosmos, the entropy stirred to reclaim what It had lost : the perfect stillness of emptiness. Life was nothing but an unwanted disruption of the calm of the multiverse. It had to be extinguished at all cost.

Misshapen and animated by a hunger so profound it was endless, the entropy became █̷̧̛͔͉̙̬̹̽̽̃͋̔̑̆̈́█̴̢̡̠͎͈͗̿͐́͋̌́̂͆́̀̚͘ͅ█̷̛̹̥̗̭̹̹̙͙͍̪̯̥̭̻̭̮̪͕̜̩̫̞͓̻̓̇̇̔̔͛̆͒̅̅̅̌̿͌̿̃̍̆̓̈̈̀͘͝ͅ█̵̡̨̨̧͈͚͓̲͕͓̗̙̳̪̼̼͔̰͈̫̬̭̙̬͉͌͠█̵͓̳̲̟̲̳̭̂̍̓̑̽̋͋͊̓̆̌̓̔̂̍̈́͌̽̅̕͘͝͠ͅ█̶̡̧̛̼͇̠͎̥̞̼͔̟̫͖͉̻̈̐̆̾́̅̐̒̄̿̇̓̆̂̓̾͝͠, the antithesis of life.

Nemeresis sought to halt the destruction of the multiverse, but lost His life in the process. He still managed to buy precious time, but the corpse of the entropy still hungers, even in death. Its tainted essence travelling through Barachnelis' mangled web, annihilating all It comes in contact with.

Countless lives have already been lost forever.
Countless more carry on every day, blissfully unaware of their impending destruction.