16 December 2022

Continent : Almer

Almer is the westernmost continent on Eler. It is also the largest. From misty, snowy mountains to deep, mysterious jungles, separated by an immense fungal canyon, Almer presents a wide array of biodiversity. It is the home of the Danakis, Margraces, and Bufoniers.


Country : Mortailes
Capital : Dan
Leader : Mambo Victoria Meinand
Inhabitants : Danaki

Mortailes is the Danaki territory since ancient times. Its tropical climate, luxurious jungles, and white sandy beaches make it an earthly paradise. The Danakis are one of the most powerful races of Eler and are very respectful of the nature surrounding them. They build their cities with nature, not against it. There are numerous places shining with life, but also many abandoned ruins due to the inhabitants feeling that nature did not want them there after a while.

Mortailes is the combination of the words morte (dead) and ailes (wings), but it also sounds like the word mortel (mortal). The name Danaki comes from the first language of Eler, High Dragonet, which is now a dead tongue. The original word was 'panacis', a miraculous remedy. Danakis have always been wonderful healers. Over time, the name evolved into what it is today.


Country : Exilieu
Capital : Margracier
Leader : Governor Valère Langevin, under Mambo Victoria Meinand
Inhabitants : Margrace

The mountainous region of Exilieu makes agriculture difficult, but not impossible. It's abundance of natural resources, like forests, silver veins, and bountiful lakes, make it a wonderful place to live.

In ancient times, the first Margraces were exiled north due to their rejection of necromancy. The Danakis believed that they would die from the cold, but instead the Margraces prospered. Many wars were waged to control the territory, but the middle part of Almer, called Hautemort, has harsh terrain and acts as a bastion of defense for the Margraces. This situation led the two people to make difficult concessions and accept one another's existence. Nowadays, the region of Hautemort, is inhabited principally by Markis, hybrids rejected by both races. However, Margraces are way kinder to their southern neighbours when it comes to their mixed children. Even in Exilieu, there are cities, like St-Aldène-sur-Mer and Markiviet, to welcome the Markis who can't find refuge in Hautemort.

The word Exilieu, much like Mortailes, comes from combining two words, exil (exile) and lieu (place). The name Margrace means 'walking with grace'. The disciples of the Nameless, during their exile, held their head up high and suffered no shame from their actions.


Country : Hautemort
Capital : Beaumanoir
Leader : President Alexandre Laflamme
Inhabitants : Hautemarque

The province of Hautemort was the scene of numerous wars between Danakis and Margraves in the past. Since peace was restored, the region was finally allowed to prosper.

The main thing that comes to mind when people think of Hautemort is its immense marsh, Iracomté, lazily sluicing within the marly ravines. The climate is dry, water is scarce, and rocky terrain makes agriculture nigh impossible and travelling quite arduous. Odd, rock-hard mushrooms grow wild within the landscape. The city of Bufophanie, seat of the Toad Crusade, sitting on the border between Hautemort and the accursed marsh of Iracomté, even uses those giant mushrooms as housing and construction materials.

Nevertheless, there are several towns where space and lakes allow life to thrive. In these few areas, forests and waters are full of life. Most rely on hunting and fishing to feed their family. The inhabitants have the reputation of great hunters and are said to be at home in the woods.

The capital of Hautemort is Beaumanoir , located near an immense lake sourced from the Hardi Monceau mountain. Since the territory is sandwiched between Exilieu and Mortailes, most of its population consists of Markis. Some of them have lived there for generations and would rather be called Hautemarques rather than Markis, which is pejorative.

Most of them from pure Marki descendance for centuries, have given themselves new surnames to cut ties with the parents that have abandoned them. It's common to find rather long and eccentric surnames in Hautemort, many making allusion to locations that do not even exist such as Montgascon, Saint-Saturnin, Auvergne-sur-Tour, Puy-de-Manzarne, Haut-Mont-de-Turennes, or Bouillon-les-Bains. Their leader's surname, Laflamme comes from the founding family of Braise-Ardente and is considered a typical Hautemarque surname without actually being as strange as most others.

Speaking of flames, the inhabitants are known for their flamboyant personality and their peculiar accent, called joual, which is a deformation of the word cheval (horse). This accent is so removed from their neighbours that the Danakis and Margraces sometimes have trouble understanding what Hautemarques are saying.

Hautemort means 'high death', a reference not only to its mountainous terrain, but also because the province is above Mortailes, therefore higher. Hautemarque means 'high mark', but is also a play on the words hôte de marque, which means 'distinguished guest'.


Country : Outremer
Capital : Sanguinat
Leader : Hungan Grégoire Mirlande
Inhabitants : Danaki du Premier Sang

While technically part of the continent, Outremer is quite cut off from the rest of Almer. Off the western coast, protected by a tempestuous lagoon, there is an archipelago comprised of thirteen different islands and islets. The area is rather ominous, with nature never seeming quite right and ancient eldritch obelisk sprouting from the earth.

This was where the Danakis first originated. While many have moved to the continent in ancient times, plenty have remained behind on the islands. Desiring no contacts with most outsiders, these primal Danakis practice forbidden magic and nefarious rituals. Many strange rumours circulate about them, such as their supposed ability to transform into animals.

These Danakis are called 'du Premier Sang' which means 'of the First Blood'. No one truly knows what this so-called 'first blood' refers to. The continental Danakis do not have records of their ancestors who lived in Outremer. No one knows who ruled them before Ménandu, nor the gods they worshipped, nor what terrifying powers they might have left behind.

Outremer simply means 'overseas'. The people of Almer call it Outremer, the Danakis du Premier Sang call it L'Anse-en-Sang, meaning 'the bleeding cove'. The capital, Sanguinat, is yet another reference to this mysterious 'first blood'.

Explorers are kept at bay by the elements. Unpredictable winds and lightning storms seemingly come out of nowhere when attempting to cross the lagoon. No one, not even the greatest sailors of Eler, has ever managed to approach the coast of Outremer. This begs the question : how did the Danakis manage to leave L'Anse-en-Sang for Mortailes in ancient times then?


Country : Iracomté
Capital : Bufophanie or Sorciel
Leader : Cunégonde Gutturaline or Darisu Loxosceles
Inhabitants : Bufonier, Narakhin

The accursed marsh of Iracomté is home to monstrous creatures and pestilent diseases. Rotten to the core by a meteor that fell long ago, it is now a sulphurous landscape of geysers and decayed vegetation. The eldritch radiation has caused many insects to mutate into abominations that now prey on humans.

Deep into the marsh, where people seldom venture, is the city of Sorciel, where the infamous Witch of Iracomté holds coven. For centuries now, the Bufoniers have fought a tireless crusade in order to reclaim the land, seeking to purify its corruption and evict the heretics. The territory is highly contested, its official capital depending on which side of the conflict is asked.


Major Cities
- Saint-Onésime-de-Bellerive
- Saint-Aldène-sur-Mer
- Port Célestin
- Thomas-les-Bains
- Braise-Ardente
- La Mauve Maraude
- Danesh
- Dresdène
- Sainte-Justinia-de-la-Résurection
- Sainte-Marie-Victoire


- Vent-Tremblant
- Malarctique
- Puitdoux
- La Tannière
- Grotte Fongique
- La Sépulture
- Mort Fort
- Marais-Nié
- Hémorrageuse

Notable Landmarks
- Plage aux Couronnes
- Javois-sur-Franche-Montagne
- Iracomté
- L'Échine d'Eler
- Le Tremplin du Monde
- Lac aux Os
- Obelisks of L'Anse-en-Sang

- Crater of Iracomté
- Éméris
- La Grande Macchabée
- Roches Volantes

- La Blessure