03 March 2023

Location : Le Havre

Location : off the eastern coast of Mortailes, Almer
Capital : Boisé-Port-Joli

The mysterious island where Éméris, the Enchanted Hawthorn, grows. Once a land tended to by volunteers, it is now filled with exiles. It is said to be a great honour to be sent to Le Havre, but everyone knows it's nothing more than a prison for the unwanted.

Mainly populated by Markis, Le Havre is self-sufficient. People there are so isolated, they have developed their own culture and worship Éméris as a god. Newcomers must integrate into this new environment if they wish to survive. Some are allowed to occasionally visit their loved ones on the mainland, but considering that most are outcast, they ought to remain in Le Havre.

The tree is a potent source of eldritch radiation. The jungles surrounding it are impenetrable. Those who dare venture into the exclusion zone never return. Tales abound of botanical zombies and deadly children with insect wings.