03 March 2023


Pro : endurance
Con : slow

The reliable dromels of Zardunel are perfectly adapted to the harsh environment. Designed to travel on the burning sand and able to go without water for days, they are amazing for lengthy journeys. Female dromels are prized for their life-saving milk. They may not be the most elegant of animals, especially when compared to their glorious Auriel riders, but said riders would not trade them for any other mount.

Grand Casoar
Pro : fast
Con : easily dismounted

No other mount strikes fear into the heart of the enemy quite like the grand casoar. Native to the eldritch jungles of Mortailes, these massive birds are fast and aggressive. The Danakis have formed a bond with these animals and are able to use them as mounts with fierce efficacy. A grand casoar's talons can rip through armour and disembowel an opponent in just one kick. They are highly intelligent and loyal to a fault.

Pro : difficult to be dismounted
Con : immense

The Ghaurian landscape presents many challenges. From ice to deep snow to razor-sharp volcanic rocks, not to mention the burning ground near volcanoes. That is where the morigors come through. These precursors to the modern horse are towering in size and well-suited for their challenging environment. The Bantaks have a great love for their mounts, seeing them as friends and coworkers. A Bantak without a morigor is no real hunter. Thick fat insulates them from the cold and a special gland secretes fireproof coating for their fur. Morigors are very courageous, having no fear when facing dragons and demons in combat.

Further up North, the fauna is twisted due to eldritch radiation. Morigors turn into abominations, called Süergal, which the heretics of the Tamlaj clan favour as mounts.

Pro : jack of all trades
Con : skittish

Descended from the mighty morigor, horses were bred smaller and with a milder temper. Commonly used for long travels and as beasts of burden, they occupy an important place in society. Horses are commonly ridden by Margraces, but are found all over Eler. Despite being quite skittish, with the right training and understanding, they can be great companions.

Pro : cliff scaling
Con : stubborn

These large and agile long-legged goats are perfectly suited to the steep cliffs of Valakis. An adept rider can traverse mountains quickly, making caprinos an excellent mount not only for delivering goods, but also for spies to reach their destination undetected. Only a very experienced trainer may hope to befriend a caprinos. They are notoriously stubborn and fickle. However, once they have bonded with someone, they are ready to sacrifice themselves to protect their master. What looks like antlers crowning their heads are actually flourishing horns which they can attack enemies with.