03 March 2023

Trade Goods

Here's a list of the main merchandise exported by the various races of Eler. Not everything is listed, as it would be way too long. Just because one race cultivates one thing doesn't mean that the others don't.

Most trading and exportation are dealt in Sarna, the biggest mercantile city on Eler. Everything is overseen by the Merchants Guild, an alliance that put a common language, Elersi, in place, as well as currency, the Elerian Crown, to facilitate exchanges between people.

Despite this common currency, different countries have different currencies.

The Auriels' strength resides in their crops. Although they live in the desert, the river Masmavir is irrigated, allowing an abundant harvest others could never hope to match. Spices, cereals, and tobacco are in high demand and made the Auriel race the richest on Eler. They are newcomers to the Guild, having only joined after Ophélia Aldenir became Caliph of Jeddah.

The continent of Zardunel is the only place where primordial demons still live, unchanged since their summoning. Dinosaurs are common and Auriels have domesticated the most docile to help on the farms. Although dinosaurs are demons, they precede the rise of the warlocks and are considered primitive. This is why they can be tamed without the use of spells. Auriels do not consume meat, their livestock are solely beasts of burden.

Currency : ducat
Crops : various spices (cinnamon, turmeric, sumac, saffron, cardamome, nutmeg, cumin), cereals (wheat, barley, linen), cactus, melon, cantaloup, fig, date, pumpkin, artichoke, alfalfa, currant, pear, tobacco, mint, licorice, coffee
Produce : tinctures, perfume, jewellery, precious stones, glass, soap, incense, myrrh
Mining : various precious stones, principally diamonds
Livestock : triceratops, stegosaurus, dimetrodon, ankylosaurus, deinonychus
Pets : cobras, small dinosaurs
Mount : dromel

The poisoned earth of Ghaur does not dissuade the Bantaks from exploiting it. Using their numerous sources of electricity, they have mastered the art of growing healthy crops in caves, where the earth is unspoiled. However, their strength resides in industry and most of their exports are machines and metals. Their crops are robust and adaptable, therefore easy to find elsewhere. As such, Bantaks can afford to export more specialized goods in exchange for rare and precious items. They make computers, televisions, cars, and guns. All these things require a lot of resources and work, therefore are not crafted in abundance. Bantaks are extremely selective of their clients, knowing that, with guns, it would be easy for one race to trample another.

Bantaks hate money and refuse to use it. They will only negotiate if the exchange is highly profitable. As a result, Bantak items are as rare as they are expensive. To top it all off, Bantaks and Margraces have had a solid alliance for many centuries. They favour one another when it comes to trading.

Bantak engineering has brought many a marvellous products on Eler, facilitating life for everyone. Such inventions have been widely shared for the benefit of all. Things such as canned food, electricity, running water, and refrigeration are now part of most households.

Unlike other races, Bantaks do not form close relationships with many animals. They have one dog breed, the Bankhar, which they brought over from Zardunel. A very different beast in ages past, it was crossed with indigenous creatures on Ghaur to result in a monstrous hound. They are employed to dissuade invaders and help in the hunt.

The arrival of demons on Ghaur created myriads of strange beasts. Over time, normal animals disappeared, replaced by twisted, demonic variants.

Aside from cars and trains, Bantaks ride giant horses called morigor. Their fireproof hooves allow them to ride across the volcanic landscape with ease. These horses have been crossed with demons by the northern clans to create a far more terrifying mount : the süergal.

Currency : none
Crops : potato, yam, onion, carrot, cabbage, squash, beet, oats, various berries (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, gooseberry), apple, hazelnut, maple syrup
Produce : weapons, machinery, gunpowder, tar, electronics, rocks, pelts
Mining : coal, iron, sulfur, copper, natural gas, oil
Livestock : moose, salmon, trout, pheasant, bee, walrus, bison
Pets : bankhar
Mount : morigor

Living in the jungle, the Danakis have access to a lot of food directly from nature. As a result, crops are not their main priority aside from grass fields to feed livestock. Danakis adore animals and raise them for their meat, fur, and various products, However, they never eat poultry and only raise birds as companions.

Currency : gourde
Crops : coconut, banana, corn, soursop, durian, pineapple, guava, avocado, cocoa, peanut, sugarcane, orange, mango, kiwi, grapefruit, papaya, lime, passion fruit, litchi, salak, breadfruit, mangosteen, sapote, akee, jaboticaba, ramboutan
Produce : cotton, wood, chocolate, candy, ivory, leather, rubber
Mining : gold, platinum
Livestock : alpaca, elephant, cow, pig, capybara, frog
Pets : birds (especially parrots and vultures), snakes
Mount : grand casoar

Living on a rocky mountain makes tilling the soil difficult for Margraces. However, said mountain borders the ocean where fish are abundant. The vast majority of their economy relies on fishing. What little they grow, they tend to keep for themselves.

As room for fields is restrained, there is very little space for livestock. Because of this, red meat is rare and expensive. Beef and pork are rarely on the menu, even for the wealthy.

The Margraces being allied with the Bantaks, they have raised their own breed of horse, smaller and faster than their Ghaurian ancestor, the morigor. Acquiring a horse is still very expensive due to the space being limited. Most inhabitants of Margracier walk on foot or use public transports to go where they need to be. Horses tend to be possessed by the nobility, but the wealthiest of them have cars.

Currency : florin
Crops : rice, mandarin, peach, cherry, soy, radish, mushroom, persimmon, ginger, okra, wormwood, cranberry, gac fruit, groundcherry
Produce : pottery, ceramics, medicine, paper, ink, tea, cosmetics
Mining : clay
Livestock : fish, chicken, rabbit
Pets : cat
Mount : horse

Sarna is the great cosmopolitan capital of Valakis where all races converge. Despite this, Sarna has its own culture and local produce. Silks and wines from Sarna are considered the cream of the crop and are very expensive. The cuisine is also prized by nobles of all races.

It is said you can find everything in Sarna. The city is highly populated despite the presence of pirates, slavery, and strange disappearances on nights of the new moon.

Currency : Elerian crown
Crops : olive, tomato, various peppers, eggplant, garlic, lemon, grape, basil, mustard, apricot, plum, laurel, pomegranate, chickpea, broccoli
Produce : wine, vinegar, cheese, cooking oil, silk, fabric, fur, wool, feather
Mining : chalk, salt
Livestock : sheep, goat, duck, fox
Pet : bloodhound
Mount : caprinos