16 December 2022

Ahmed Isles

Capital : Melchisidek
Leader : Suzie Vasily Grand Daichin
Inhabitants : Ahmedin

The Ahmed Isles used to belong to the Auriels of Jeddah. A cold, forsaken place to send exiles away, never to be seen again. This practice has changed over time and the Ahmed Isles have claimed independence. Now, exiles of Jeddah are sent to die in the Thuruntsöl Desert.

The Ahmedin Auriels, cast away from their homeland due to their crimes or heresies, are proud of who they are. Several generations have already lived and died on the Ahmed Islands, as such, they feel no connection to their homeland anymore. Nevertheless, it still welcomes new Auriel exiles every now and then. Not banned by the Caliph's orders as in the olden days, but people who chose to leave Zardunel willingly in order to seek forbidden sources of magic. Bantaks from the North also travel there for commerce, some even residing amongst the Auriels. Unions between the two people have given rise to a new hybrid race.

Unlike Zardunel, Ahmed is a land of ice with abundant snowfall. Although the population is not particularly high, the territory is viciously defended by demonic magic. The islands are unknown to most voyagers as any visitors, safe for the Tamlaj clan, are met with hostility. Most do not pay any mind to the isles, believing the area to be deserted. No one truly knows what goes on in these frozen lands and what horrifying magic dwells within the icy confines of Melchisidek.

Ahmed is the name of the explorer who discovered the islands. Melchisidek, the capital, was the name of the leader of the heretics first exiled here millennia ago. Unlike his followers, he had never set foot on the islands, as he had been decapitated by the Caliph who had ordered the banishment.

Legends have it that Melchisidek's head is still somewhere in the world, immune to decomposition. If real, it would be a relic of incredible magical power.

The great ice spire Melchisidek, capital of the Ahmed Isles.