16 December 2022

Continent : Zardunel

Zardunel is the easternmost continent on Eler and also the smallest. Most of it is covered in deserts, with oases surrounding the great river Masmavir. The western coast has a less arid climate and features the greatest mercantile capital in the world, Sarna. It is home to the Auriels, the first clan of Bantaks, as well as the fabled Nirnaelites.


Country : Valakis
Capital : Sarna
Leader : Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Inhabitants : Valakian

The province of Valakis has a unique fauna and flora as well as a wonderful climate all year long. The principal part of the region, called Mainar, is isolated within the Ordos mountains and only accessible via one road or the sea, making it the most advantageous place to inhabit from a military and economic standpoint.

Its capital, Sarna, founded millennia ago, has humble origins, being nothing more than a simple fishing village early on. Today, it's the most prosperous city of Ler. Although not the largest city in terms of space, it is by far the most populous. All races converge there for commerce and many settle there.

Unlike Auriels, Bantaks, Danakis, and Margraces, the Valakians are not a distinct race, but a group of people. Regardless of their origins, if someone lives in Valakis permanently, they're considered a Valakian. The region has its own culture and practices and some people living there have blood of all four races in their ancestry. This highly mixed heritage gives very peculiar physical traits and individuals of great beauty. Some notable Valakian families, inhabiting the territory since its foundation, are impossible to pinpoint to one particular race, looking like none of them.

Valakis means 'valour'. The name was chosen by the Imperator when the region became prosperous at the dawn of the first millennium. However, the name of the capital, Sarna, as well as the surrounding territory, Mainar, have no origins found in any known language.


Country : Jeddah
Capital : Piriltine
Leader : Caliph Ophélia Aldenir & Saint Andrew Aldenir
Inhabitants : Jeddite

The country of Jeddah's beauty is matched only by that of its denizens. Piriltine was the first Auriel capital built and is one of Eler's most ancient cities along with Dan and Sarna.

In ancient times, the region counted numerous Bantaks since the Auriels used them for slave labour. By the sweat of the backs and lashes of the whips, they built Piriltine. However, nowadays, slavery has long being outlawed and there are no Bantaks remaining in Jeddah.

Auriels are very secretive and xenophobic. Travelers are only welcome in a select few places, as long as they don't spend much time there. Comings and goings are heavily monitored all over the province and especially in the capital. Auriels are also disinclined to leave their homeland, therefore it's quite rare to see them in other territories.

Jeddah comes from the Silvertongue word Jadah, which means 'grandmother'. This name was given to the region in honour of Enpusa, goddess of death, long the religion for Auriels, considered to be the one who created them. While the cult of Enpusa was denounced and her colossal statue in Piriltine defaced, the region has not changed name.


Country : Alizarnon
Capital : Ras Harmah
Leader : Raja Guillaume Altyna
Inhabitants : Alizarin

Two deserts, Beryüzgar and Laenatan, comprise Alizarnon, separated by the Masmavir. The Oasis of Ras Harmah is the last hospitable city of the East. Officially, Alizarnon is part of the Valakian empire, the Raja swearing fealty to the Imperator.

Being near water, the people of Alizarnon are good sailors. Many have sought to pass through Mezarlig, the graveyard of ships, to discover the mystery beyond the Yüksek sand dunes. None of these daring adventurers have ever returned. It is said if the Alizarins can't make it through Mezarlig, no one can.

The name Alizarnon, as well as its inhabitants, Alizarin, comes from the colour alizarine, a red pigment obtained from common madder, a local plant highly cultivated in the Oasis. It is so ubiquitous that most of the capital, the houses, the furniture, the clothes, are dyed red. Oddly enough, Auriels born there often exhibit red crystallization on their body, a colour that's quite rare anywhere else.


Country : Zürkhalakh
Capital : Narnuur
Leader : Mukhtar Samir Daichin
Inhabitants : Zürkhal Clan

Bantaks from the Zürkhal clan are descendants of the first Bantaks of Eler and still prowl their ancestral territory. They have no love for their nordic brothers. They are also quite different looking. Smaller, fairer, and less hirsute. Unlike the Ghaurian Bantaks, the Zardunelian ones are not afflicted by the dragon blood malediction of Helena. They are also nomadic due to the arid climate of the desert that they inhabit.

Zürkhal Bantaks have a blind hatred of the Auriels who reduced most of their ancestors into slavery. However, they tend to remain in their homeland, preying only upon foolish travelers who would venture too close to their borders. Still, there are daring raiders that take pleasure in kidnapping entire families of Auriels to enslave them.

Zürkhalakh means 'courage' in Banetongue, although the Zürkhal Bantaks still call their language by its original name, Elskhel.


Major Cities
- Marnek
- Bedense
- Mangpur
- Rajadesh
- Yalvem
- Sura

Notable Landmarks
- Denizkaya Reef
- Halzun Gölce
- Yüksek Dunes
- Düztuz Salt Flat


- Eye of Odalis
- Great Weaver's Needle
- Bekçi's Beholder


- Merzarlig, the Ship Cemetery
- Ruins of Iben