02 January 2023

Character : Anonyma de Ronceval

Born : Ersk Meride
Title : Grand Prophet of the Valakian Imperator

Gender : Female
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Valakian
Birthplace : Midian
Residence : Nirnael
Age : 4024 years old (immortal)
Height : 7f04
Weight : 180lbs
Hair : bald, wears lilac-coloured wigs
Eyes : glowing ember, dark scleras

Sexual orientation : bisexual
Parents : Anderzu Annemlon (status unclear) and Surano Tyige (deceased), Amaury de Ronceval (adoptive father, alive)

Despite being the daughter of the infamous prophet Anderzu, Anonyma cared very little for her father's prophecies and the worship of Enpusa. In her teens, she joined the cult of Yhrze and devoted her life to it.

When the faithful left Midian, Anonyma was imprisoned by her father, forbidden from following them. When the Doom came, she was sacrificed by her father in an attempt to calm the rising sea of Leene. She was chained to a boulder, a shard of the Heart of Eler embedded into her breast, and cast down into the dark, icy depths.

Being one of Yhrze's followers, she was cursed to live eternally. She didn't know that such fate also befell her friends who had left Midian. Underwater she remained, undrowning, undying, tormented by maddening whispers with only the Yveldes for company.

She would eventually be freed during the search for the Heart. She was reunited with the followers of Yhrze on the surface. However, 4000 years had passed and she had some serious catching up to do. Nevertheless, she fit right in with the Imperator's court and, possessing her father's gift of foresight, she became a prophet as well. Unlike Anderzu, she does not use her powers to further her position and manipulate others.