02 January 2023

Character : Étienne Duhamel

Real Name : Jenesz Fabori
Aliases : Dhampière Valédor, Jean Estu, Jean-Marie Lalaude
Titles : Rector of Midian, Deacon of Vent-Tremblant, Raven of St-Frusquin

Gender : Male
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Midian
Birthplace : Midian
Residence : Château-Varennes
Birthdate : 10 Aggio -490
Age : 4492 years old (immortal)
Height : 8f01
Weight : 190lbs
Hair : bald, originally blond
Eyes : orange, dark scleras

Sexual orientation : heterosexual
Partners : Sibel Siuel (wife, deceased), Viola Laforêt (girlfriend, deceased), Marian Leblanc
Children : Nelgan Urno (son, deceased)
Parents : Ordal Nhle and Munesz Sut (both deceased)

Jenesz Fabori was the Rector of Midian and led his people to their downfall. Under the prophet Anderzu's advice, he offended Yhrze and defiled the God of Death as well. For his transgressions, the Doom came to Midian. While the followers of Yhrze were cursed to experience the Doom for all eternity, certain key players were also befell by this cruel fate. Jenesz was one such person.

In shambles, believing he was the only survivor, he left Midian and became a vagrant in Almer. During that time, he met with the Witch of Iracomté who revealed how he could undo the curse upon him in exchange for a phial of his blood.

Being told that his curse could only be lifted by the one who cast it, Jenesz knew he would never be free for he had murdered the one responsible.

With loneliness weighing upon him. He tried to integrate society by concealing his monstrous appearance.

Centuries later, while serving as the veiled deacon of Vent-Tremblant, under the name Dhampière Valédor, he discovered the Defilement spread by Viola Laforêt and linked the curse back to his own blood, which he had given to the Witch of Iracomté. Feeling responsible, he eased Viola's lovesick heart, but she was captured and murdered by the villagers. He vowed revenge and slaughtered the culprits. He then swore to rid the world of Wurdulys since he viewed their existence as his fault.

Later still, taking on a new name, Jean-Marie Lalaude, he managed to get the rank of Raven amongst the Knights of St-Frusquin, making him their leader. He trained them into fierce Wurdulys hunters which led to the great purge of 3737 during which he faked his own death.

He kept the cycle going, making sure to disappear at opportune times before anyone began to question how he could still be alive after so many years.

Eventually, eternity left him feeling empty. He was entombed under his home in Château-Varennes, hoping to slumber until the end of times.