02 May 2023

Flora : Mushrooms of Exilieu

Great King Bolete
A giant, nut-flavoured mushroom that is very popular.

Wood Ear
Found in most forests, must be well-cooked before consumption.

Mossy King Bolete
A green variant of the great king bolete that grows exclusively on moss.

Straw Mushroom
Named for their long, thin clusters the colour of dried hay.

Walnut Pod
Very flavourful, but hard like wood. Must be steeped to make broth.

Exclusive to the island of Bergeglace. Oozes icy slime and is perpetually cold to the touch.

Must be harvested before it becomes drippy and oily, otherwise it is unpalatable.

Regal Oyster
A delicate, mild mushroom that is quite versatile.

Sweet Milk Bouquet
The icon of Margrace cuisine. Mushrooms are kept together and cooked as is making for a great presentation.

Lion's Mane
A rare delicacy found only in early summer.