04 May 2023

Flora : Mushrooms of Gyalkhii

Despite being a volcanic wasteland, the ever-burning forests of Gyalkhii are home to a few fungi.

Crowned Spore Mound
When the dusty spores turn red, they are ready to harvest. Their vinegary taste make for a good seasoning.

Bursting Puffball
The base is toxic, but the delicate blooming petals are a tangy delicacy.

Growing in clusters, these mushrooms have a charred flavour and soft consistency.

Rebirthing Lycoperdon
The first growth of this mushroom is unpalatable. One must wait until the cap falls over and begins growing anew.

Lava Tower
A large, fiery-looking bolete. Despite its appearance, it has quite a mild flavour.

Molten Russula
Must be harvested before it begins to produce acidic slime. Its ashen flavour is often called an acquired taste.

Only grows near lava as it needs fire to disperse. If harvested at the right time, it's a delicacy on top of already being cooked to perfection.

Dragon Nest
Only the fruiting buds at its centre are tender enough to consume.