29 June 2023

Character : Sylvain Lombard

Job : keyboardist of Laethmal

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Markiviet
Age : 45 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 185lbs
Hair : blond, dyed with pink highlights
Eyes : green

Husband : Oswald Delamer
Parents : Martha Sauvage & Férédrence Lombard
Cousin : Ferne Sauvage
Son of the infamous witch Martha Sauvage, Sylvain was conceived shortly before the death of his father. As such, he only ever knew him as a zombie, Martha having raised her husband into undeath.

He was a trouble child. A daredevil who craved attention and praises. In his teens, he would get into drugs and took a job as a stripper in an illegal bar to pay for his addiction. His outrageous shows and weird movements while dancing would garner him a dedicated cult following. He had numerous lovers, one of which grew violent and, in a fit of rage, knocked all of Sylvain's front teeth with a punch. Despite the injury, he never got his teeth repaired, and his bizarre, partially toothless smile added to his unique looks.

Despite his turmoils, from a very young age, Sylvain and his cousin, Ferne Sauvage, were inseparable and played music together. They formed a band they named Laethmal, but would never achieve much success. It was only when Sylvain met Oswald Delamer, homeless at the time after being rejected by his parents, that Laethmal truly became popular.

Sylvain and Oswald became a couple, moving in together and kicking their various addictions. Although very much in love, they would only marry 25 years later.

Sylvain is considered one of the greatest queer icons and, much like his bandmates, fights for the rights of Marki people. He is also one of the rare male necromancers, Martha having taught him the dark arts, caring not for Danaki rules.

Sylvain is one of those characters that I cannot remember how and why he was created, nor if he's even based on anyone real. I know I've drawn inspiration from Charge and Mr. Satan for specific drawings of him, but they were never direct influences, merely references for poses and a little bit of fashion.

Lore-wise, Sylvain has not changed much. His name used to be Sergei Lucianov. It was changed during the great lore consolidation due to his name standing out too much amongst all the French names of his fellows. I could have called him Serge, the French form of Sergei, but I thought it was not fabulous enough. Sylvain was a more appropriate fit for the character. Even though both Serge and Sylvain are very old names where I'm from. The kind only boomers would have. I do have a fondness for old names though. I think there's a very fun contrast to have extremely queer characters with completely outdated names.

Aside from the name, Sylvain is still the exact same character. He's always been Oswald's husband. Son of the witch Martha and cousin of Ferne with whom he formed Laethmal and took on the role of keyboardist. Even his design has barely shuffled. He changed more within the first few months of his creation, where he first had brown hair and no beard, than in the decade that followed.