04 July 2023

Character : Oswald Delamer

Alias : Amonarke
Job : vocalist of Laethmal

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : St-Aldène-sur-Mer
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 57 years old
Birthdate : 29 Kelte 3945
Height : 6'4
Weight : 175lbs
Hair : orange, dyed silver
Eyes : silver

Parents : Oscar Delamer & Marie Relle
Husband : Sylvain Lombard
Twin brother : Thessalie Delamer

Lead singer of Laethmal, he is also the face of the band. His terrifying and violent on-stage antics greatly contributed to their notoriety.

Oswald is one of my oldest characters. I created him in my early teens. Back then, his name was Cervantes. He was meant to be the protagonist of a video game I wanted to make (ah, teenage dreams). He wielded a sword in the shape of a lightning bolt, completely impractical, but I thought it looked cool. He was Valère's lover and they had a daughter, Valérianne. One of the main objectives of the game was to rescue them both. They were a race of vampiric humanoids which had the skinniest waists and large ears that could rival with that of the Night Elves in World of Warcraft.

I don't remember when the rockstar aspect came. I'm inclined to say it was always there. I certainly cannot recall why I picked the name Oswald. However, most of the influences to his design and character remained unchanged. I wanted to create a queer shock rocker, someone with no shame, no limit. Someone with an image both alluring and repulsive. A broken nose, a mouth too wide, gaunt facial features, skin and bones morphology, almost cadaverous. I pulled from many musicians I loved which I considered quite marginal in their own way, namely Iggy Pop, Kai from Art Marju Duchain, Pete Burns, and even the fictional rockstar Mok Swagger from Rock & Rule.

The first iterations of Oswald were definitely younger. Someone in his 30's at most. Over time, I really grew infatuated with the idea of the ageing rock star clinging to fame. Someone whose body tells a tale of a life lived on the edge. Maybe because all of my idols are growing old. Maybe because I have a thing for decrepit old men.