03 July 2023

Character : Jacques Ismer

Job : Drummer of Laethmal

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Sarna
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 37 years old
Height : 6'1
Weight : 165lbs
Hair : black, dyed purple
Eyes : blue

Wife : Monica Ismer

Jacques and his wife, Monica, were the last members to join Laethmal. Before that, they were both alternative fashion models.

Having grown up in Valakis, Jacques was very fond of the local style. Outside of his interest in fashion, he played drums for the local marching band and as a live member for several small groups.

He met Monica met through modelling and got married. Jacques wanted to have Valakian fashion more well-known in Almer, thus he moved in with his wife in Margracier.

Unfortunately, they were expelled due to Jacques being a Marki. A fact he had managed to conceal for quite a few years until they were denounced by Monica's disapproving family.

Relocating to Markiviet, a stark downgrade from the comfort of the upper city, they kept modelling to make ends meet. Eventually meeting up-and-coming fashion designer Dominique Haldebert who introduced them to Laethmal. Jacques and Monica became steady members, thus ending the endless flow of replacements for drums and second guitarist. The couple's iconic looks were well-appreciated by the fans. Through his costumes, Jacques could realize his dream of popularizing Valakian fashion not only in Almer, but all over the world.

First named Jake after the Goatbed song, Jacques came to life when Xa-Vat happened. Somehow, it seemed like a great idea to mix Ishii Shuuji and Közi into one iconic character. I quite loved Shuuji's facial structure, found it really fun to draw. And, since I've been a Malice Mizer fan for ages at the point (still am), Közi was an absolute icon and a treasure trove of inspiration fashion-wise.

I tried many different looks for Jacques. His haircut was inspired by Közi's curly fauxhawk from the Beast of Blood video. For his outfit, I tried various 80's stuff, even looked to Moi dix Mois, thought maybe gothic aristocrat style would suit him. Eventually, I just went back to Közi and decided to go with a Pierrot/clown aesthetic. I also decided to give him a little moustache and beard like Közi had for his album Loki n Roll.

This is making me sound like a hardcore Közi fan. I just think he's neat. Yu~ki was always my favourite in Malice Mizer anyway.

I hadn't touched Jacques in a long while. Even during the great lore consolidation, all that happened was the Frenchification of his name. Ismer was always his last name, Monica was always his wife.

The iconic look was only cranked up to eleven after I established the Valakian Empire and its Rococo carnival aesthetics. I thought this would fit perfectly for Jacques. Appropriating this kind of image and applying a very Laethmal flavour of Punk to it. Yes, this means he is wearing traditional clothes of another culture as a costume on stage. Thankfully Eler does not have issues with cultural appropriation.