24 June 2023

Historical Figure : Paride of Marnek

Born : 1875 in Marnek
Died : 1978 (aged 103) in Sarna
Title : King Consort of Valakis
Claim to fame : establishing the Valakian Empire, last of the Marneki bloodline
The country of Valakis used to have six different seats of power, each with a leader of their own. Five of these leaders had formed an uneasy alliance which had somehow held for seven hundred years. Every four years, they would meet in a kingsmoot to discuss politics and the future of Valakis.

Leader : King Algernon Baudouin
The most powerful city with the most influence as it was the capital of Mainar, the central territory of Valakis, and the biggest trading hub on Eler. King Algernon, being immortal, he had already been at the head of Sarna for a millennium before the alliance of royals even occurred.

Leader : King Zaryan Marneki
Sarna's main competitor. Considered to be the most beautiful city of Valakis, its opulence was unmatched. The Marneki family had ruled over Marnek for over a thousand years.

Leader : King Vittore Jacyntho
The closest neighbour of Sarna. Secretly plotting to take over with the help of Marnek.

Leader :  Queen Europe Rozala
Although far away, the city of Julia had always been a loyal ally of Sarna. Resting on the border of Alizarnon, Julia had always been an important asset in keeping diplomatic relationships with the Auriels.

Leader : King Renzo Daedales
The furthest city in the strenuous alliance of royals. As a result, they showed little concern for most affairs.

Leader : Queen Alberta Blótiri
Had been in open rebellion against Sarna for the past couple centuries. The Blótiri family claimed that Algernon was a bloodsucking monster feeding the people of Sarna to his minions hiding underneath the city.

On the 177th kingsmoot, in 1892, it was the beginning of the end for the independence of the various kingdoms of Valakis. King Zaryan of Marnek had brought his son, Paride, who had just come of age. King Zaryan was old and had only one heir. He needed to teach his son all he would need to know to make a good king while he still had time. He also wanted to introduce him to those who would be his allies in their plot to take power in Sarna.

However, prince Paride became entranced with the mysterious immortal king Algernon, having heard so many stories about him. The kingsmoot lasted a fortnight, and during that time, Paride grew close to Algernon, enough so that he revealed that his father had promised him to the heir of Outrichnós, princess Harmonia Jacyntho.

Paride was disgusted to be forced into marriage with a woman, inadvertently revealing that he, sole heir to the throne of Marnek, was unfit to be its king. He begged Algernon not to tell his father. As such, Algernon shared an equally damning secret to ease the prince's mind. He revealed his face.

At first, Paride was horrified by the monster beneath the mask. Although it confirmed that the rumours about him were true, that he was indeed a hideous bloodsucker, Paride's revulsion quickly turned to compassion.

There, Algernon saw an opportunity. Getting the prince in his bed was surprisingly easy and, by the time the kingsmoot ended, young Paride was hopelessly in love.

Less than a year later, old King Zaryan passed away, mortified on his deathbed that his son would not stop delaying his marriage to princess Harmonia.

Paride became king of Marnek, the second most powerful man of Valakis. He pretended to travel to Outrichnós to meet his promised wife in order to ease the worries of his council. In truth, he made his way to Sarna and spent time with Algernon.

The two knew that an alliance between them would render the both of them ridiculously powerful. Much to the outrage of the population, Paride and Algernon got married.

With the might of their combined armies, the open rebellion in Iben was crushed. The city razed to the ground, its ancient bloodline wiped from history. The rumours about Algernon silenced forever. Iben served as an example to anyone who would dare defy the two kings.

As a result, Outrichnós had no other choice but to bend the knee despite being utterly snubbed and ridiculed by Paride's actions. Princess Harmonia instead married the son of Renzo Daedales, heir to the throne of Terra, Vittore Daedales. They spent years plotting, but nothing came to fruition.

When their son, Luciano, who had secretly been manipulated by Algernon's agents, took the throne after poisoning both his parents, he pledged himself to the higher power of Sarna. With fundings, both Terra and Sarna worked on digging a passage in the Ordos mountains so they could be more easily connected.

The city of Julia further cemented its allegiance towards Sarna by helping reinforce their already unstoppable power with treasures and soldiers.

King Paride Marneki lived even longer than his father before him. He spent most of his life in Sarna and survived two attempts on his life by the previous king's loyalists. Many high figures lost their heads during Paride's reign, but for the common folks, it was a time of peace and prosperity.

He is also to thank for starting the now firmly believed rumour that Algernon has to wear a mask due to being so otherworldly beautiful that anyone who sees his face instantly falls madly in love with him.

When Paride passed away at the venerable age of 103, Algernon became de facto king of Marnek. Now the most powerful man on Eler with the other rulers completely under his power, he named himself Imperator of Valakis.

King Luciano Daedales of Terra and Outrichnós and Queen Marcella Rozala of Julia now took orders from him, which changed nothing to their current situation.

With so much power, new cities were founded on the islands of Penelope and Karsada, the latter bringing them much closer to Ras Harmah, the capital of Alizarnon. Algernon would later seduce the leader of Ras Harmah, Raja Meris Anella, and thus Alizarnon became part of the Valakian empire.

Now at the head of nearly half of the continent, no one could defy Algernon. Over 2000 years later, his reign still endures. His immortality negating any kind of political upheavals. His kindness and generosity towards his people have granted him a godly status in the eyes of many. Although there are temples to the moon goddess Odalis Viergerine in Sarna, most people pray to their dear Imperator.

To this day, Algernon still wears a mask in Paride's likeness to conceal his hideous appearance. As such, it is Paride's handsome profile that is stamped on Valakian money, making him one of the most recognizable figure on Eler.