20 June 2023

Status Alterations

Physical dmg is dealt by weapons and Earth magic.
Physical def comes from armour and Earth magic.

Debuff : Grievous Wound

Deals Lightning dmg.

Debuff : Paralysis
60% chance to lose your turn.

Deals Heat dmg.

Debuff : Burn

Heat Resist Calculations
Over 20 total Heat resist, you become immune to Burn.

Your heat resist stat x5 dictates the maximum temperature you can comfortably tolerate. For example : a character with 8 points in Heat RES will be fine in areas up to 40°C.

Deals Cold dmg.

Debuff : Frostbite
-5 speed for 5 turns.

Debuff : Frozen
Encased in ice. Unable to act until thawed or broken out. Death ensues after 8 turns spent Frozen.

Only deals Holy damage to Unholy creatures.

Debuff : Blind

Deals Decay damage.

Debuff : Wither

Deals Unholy dmg.

Debuff : Bleed
Debuff : Curse

Deals Eldritch dmg.
Eldritch resist comes from Sanity.

Debuff : Refraction
Debuff : Madness


- Insomnia
Unable to rest or sleep.

- Radiation
Consumed by eldritch radiation.

- Toxin
Venom and Poison
You can be afflicted by Toxin from a venomous bite, consuming a poisonous plant, breathing in toxic gasses, being splashed by Auriel blood, etc.

Some Toxins are lethal and must be treated immediately.
Other Toxins will deal damage for a certain amount of turns.

- Disease
You can catch a wide array of diseases from coming in contact with the infected, consuming dubious food, drinking stale water, being bitten by insects, etc.

Some Diseases are lethal and must be treated immediately.
Some Diseases have vaccination available.
Diseases have various adverse effects depending on their type and severity.
When afflicted by Disease, you can no longer eat, but you can drink.


Location : Jeddah and Alizarnon
Contraction : ingesting parasite eggs
Contagious : yes
Symptoms : tiredness, weakness, low blood pressure, tachycardia
Mortality Rate : 75%
Vaccination : available

A parasite that is contracted by consuming contaminated meat and improper hygiene. The larvae settle in the host's heart and form a conglomerate that will eventually replace the heart and feast on the blood. If the infection is detected early and antibiotic treatment is followed, the patient will make a full recovery. However, once the heart has been too damaged, death is certain.

Cerebral Mycosis
Location : Hautemort
Contraction : spores
Contagious : no
Symptoms : memory loss, confusion, loss of balance, loss of bone density
Mortality Rate : 100%
Vaccination : available

A devastating cordyceps infection caused from breathing in spores of a peculiar mushroom, the bog bell, native to Hautemort in Almer. The spores settle in the host's brain and slowly begin to take control. Fatality almost always occur from an apparent suicide, because the fungus compels victims to climb high up and jump off. The impact shatters the weakened skull and disperses the mycellium and gore that the mushroom needs to grow anew.

Demon Disease
Location : Widespread
Contraction : unknown
Contagious : unknown
Symptoms : rashes, blisters, peeling skin
Mortality Rate : 90%
Vaccination : none

Despite its name, Demon Disease has nothing to do with actual demons. It gets its name due to the final stage of the infection causing skin from all over the body to detach. Survival is unlikely. Treatment involves numerous blood transfusions and skin grafts. Causes of the disease are unknown. Fortunately, it is quite rare.

Dragon Rain Syndrome
Location : Ghaur
Contraction : exposure to Dragon Rain
Contagious : no
Symptoms : bursting boils, hemorrhage, excruciating pain
Mortality Rate : 70%
Vaccination : none

In Gyalkhii, the great volcano Gurvel spews accursed smoke into the atmosphere which creates dangerous clouds. Those ominous, blood-red clouds bring upon a glutinous, jelly-like rain down onto the land. Contact with this rain burns flesh like acid. It seeps into the open sores and warps flesh, creating horrendous lumps that will soon burst into gouts of blood. Mortality rate is 100% for every race except Bantaks who can withstand more physical damage and coagulate much faster. Survivors will bear gruesome scars and deformities which can lead to social exclusion.

Migrating Bones
Location : Outremer and coastal Mortailes
Contraction : blood contact
Contagious : yes
Symptoms : fever, joint pain, frequent dislocations, evacuation of bones
Mortality Rate : 100%
Vaccination : available

Probably the most infamous tropical disease. As its name implies, it causes bones to move unnaturally in the body. Once contracted, there is no cure. Fortunately, vaccination grants full immunity. The disease can take months before killing its victim. It causes the immune system to attack the bones, which causes them to dislocate and, eventually, poke out of the skin and be expelled. Teeth are usually the first to go, then fingers, toes, and jawbones. Death occurs either from bloodloss, shock, or vital bones such as the spinal column or the skull being rejected.

Visceral Pox
Location : Widespread
Contraction : swapping bodily fluids
Contagious : yes
Symptoms : gastric reflux, stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, evacuation of bowels
Mortality Rate : 40%
Vaccination : available

The infection causes internal organs, especially the intestines, to quiver and twitch. They eventually will bloat and distend. In extreme cases, they will start to jut out of the body due to lack of space. Treatment is straightforward and recovery almost guaranteed if caught early enough. This illness is often venereal and a great cause of shame.

Outer Radiation Sickness
Location : Widespread
Contraction : Anomalous exposure
Contagious : no
Symptoms : blindness, cutaneous burns, delusions, hallucinations, coma
Mortality Rate : 50%
Vaccination : none

Contracted from exposure to certain Anomalies, particularly the Great Weaver's Needle. Survival is like flipping a coin, some people have received more radiation and survived, some got a small dose and passed. Symptoms vary widely and the cause is extremely difficult to pinpoint if the patient is unable to tell that they have been exposed. While non-contagious, irradiated particles can still transfer from one person to another and make them sick.

Qurian Plague
Location : Quris
Contraction : close contact
Symptoms : rotting alive
Mortality Rate : 100%
Vaccination : none

Extremely rare, the Qurian Plague is solely contracted by those who venture beyond the Obsidian Diadem in Ghaur. Luckily, those who carry it do not return. As such, it is a widely unknown disease. Experts estimate that an outbreak of the disease in population centres would wipe out the entire population of Eler in less than five years.


Max HP erodes over time.

Soul Rot
Max MP erodes over time.

Margrace & Danaki only. Requires immediate intervention or the victim will turn into a Wurdulys.

Spider Mark
Margrace only. Fell under the Witch's spell

Slowly turning to stone.
