17 June 2023

Location : Le Grand Dédale

 Location : far off the eastern coast of Zürkalakh, Zardunel

An immense labyrinth fortress so far out at sea it is nigh impossible to reach. Its walls are so high, they require well-geared expert climbers in order to make it to the ground floor.

This ancient monument puzzles historians and researchers alike. It is large enough to be a city, yet impossible to figure out where and how the materials were even brought there. Who built it? And for what purpose?

Inside the fortress, it is pitch-black. Most of the passageways are littered with ancient mirrors, dusty offerings, and eerie statues. The corridors are claustrophobic and the maze is extremely intricate. To this day, no one has managed to fully map it.

Officially, the fortress belongs to the Valakian Empire since they were the ones to discover it. Despite the location being so remote, the area is still guarded against intruders. Only erudites under the Imperator's command are allowed to explore and document the maze.