19 July 2023

Lore : Mousquetaires du Corbeau

Antoine Piedmont, Claude Beauregard, Tristan Chamberlain, Sébastianne Delacroix

The Knights of St-Frusquin are a police force, originating in Exilieu, having divisions in every major city of the country and also in Valakis.

First founded by Frusquin Kharansar, a Sombrelune from Tostolbo, he established the abbey which would become the Knights headquarters in the Valnoir in 3000. Their goal was to purge the Wurdulys. He was often nicknamed "le corbeau" (the raven) due to his jet black hair. This nickname would eventually become the official title of the leader of the knights.

The force became more organized over the centuries. However, after Exilieu fell under Danaki rule, the knights almost became a forgotten relic. It wasn't until Valère Langevin became governor and took the helm of the abbey in Valnoir that they would finally revive in Exilieu. Their influence in Valakis had never waned and many knights had fled there after the Danaki occupation.

Now headed by a special task force, the Mousquetaires du Corbeau, which is an elite team of expert Wurdulys hunters led by Claude Beauregard. Once Valère's bodyguard, Claude is not objective in his application of the law. The Knights are mainly used by Valère as a tool to cement his power in Exilieu.