19 July 2023

People of Eler : Bufonier

Continent : Almer
Country : Hautemort
Leader: Princess Cunégonde Gutturaline
Language : Elerian, Peatspeech
Affiliation : Crusade
Politics : Imperialism
Religion : Great Bufo
Alignment : Lawful Neutral
Colour : Pink
Insignia : Holy Mushroom
Class Bonus : Paladin
Immortality : Worthy dead raised by the Great Bufo on Judgment Day
Life Expectancy : 100 years
Height : 3'00-4'00
Weight : 100-150 lbs
Skin : shades of brown or green
Hair : none
Eyes : black, brown, green, yellow, red, orange

The Bufonier were once mere toads. After the great meteor struck Iracomté, its eldritch radiation mutated the local fauna and flora. Thus the Bufonier gained sapience and great magical powers. However, they were not the only ones, and the marsh became the scene of a great conflict. A holy land to be reclaimed.

Ever since that day, the Bufonier have waged a tireless crusade against the giants insects and carnivorous plants of the area. They are stalwart witch hunters, sworn enemies of the Witch of Iracomté and her coven.

As part of their holy duty, many Bufonier also travel the world. They can be found in every country, usually as merchants or healers.


HP 8
MP 10
ATU 10
SAN 12
toxic immune
disease 9
wind 5
fire 5
water 6
life n/a
death 6
blood 5
cosmic 10

Eldritch Heritage
+2 to all mettle checks. Able to pick 3 Basic Spells from the Cosmic school of magic without needing the Cosmic Grimoire in your possession.

Toxic Hide
All attacks that make direct contact have a 50% chance to poison the attacker for 1D10 poison damage for 5 turns. Chance to poison is 100% if the attack is a bite.

Holy Purpose
+2 damage against Unholy targets.

Class Bonus : Knight -> Paladin
+1 mastery
Pick 3 Basic Spells from the Life Grimoire.
Weapon Specialization : Lance & Greatshield

Available Classes
- Fighter
- Knight
- Hunter
- Musketeer
- Performer
- Priest
- Conjurer
- Alchemist