21 April 2024

Class : Priest

As a Priest, not only have you learned how to use Life Magic, but you also know many remedies and can act as a field surgeon if need be. You opt to be a symbol of hope for your party, granting them boons in battle instead of doing the fighting yourself.

The Priest class is available to these races :
Auriel, Danaki, Margrace, Marki, Bufonier, Baronet

+2 ATU
Baseline : Life Magic
Weapon Specialization : Oriflamme

Inspiring Hymn
Priority cast. Give all allies 2 actions for this turn. Can only be cast once per combat.

Greater Heal
Restore 1D4+ATU HP to one ally.

Mend Wounds
Remove Grievous Wound and Bleed debuff.

Blinding Light
Lift up your holy oriflamme to emit a dazzling white light. All enemies with eyesight will have 80% chance to miss for 3 turns.

Prayer Circle
Pray with your allies, restoring 20% of max SAN to everyone. Cannot be used in combat.

If there is a Conjurer in your party, you can infuse their spells with Life magic.

Life + Fire = Cleansing Flame
Cure all status effects at the cost of 1D4 Heat dmg to the target. Can also be used to burn Unholy creatures for 2D8 Holy damage.

Life + Earth = Hallowed Ground
Priority cast. All allies gain +5 DEF and +5 to all resistances for 5 turns.

Life + Water = Healing Rain
For 5 turns, all allies will regain 2D4 HP every turn. All unholy enemies will burn for 2D4 holy dmg every turn.

Life + Wind = Zephyr
For 5 turns, all allies will be able to act before the enemy.


The Martyr version of the Priest class is available to these races :
Margrace, Marki, Baronet

As a Martyr, you are a tortured husk, emaciated and covered in scars. You entirely forego your charisma stat, although you may still inspire pity on occasion.

You lose the Priest's ability to heal directly. Instead, you gain access to powerful, yet dangerous, Blood Magic that will damage you to protect your allies.

+5 max HP per LVL
Baseline : Blood Magic
Weapon Proficiency : Whip

Deep Lashes
Lacerate your back with the whip, causing 1D4 bleed damage every turn for 5 turns.

Hemophiliac Transfusion
After Deep Lashes ends, all bleed damage you took is instantly transferred upon an enemy for physical damage or upon an ally for healing.

Crimson Sacrifice
Cut yourself open for 4D4 damage, this number will be doubled and then applied as a blood shield upon a chosen ally, absorbing all physical damage this ally takes until depleted.

Baptism of Blood (Ultimate)
Blood rains from the sky. Every party member loses -2 SAN. For the next 5 turns, all enemies caught in the rain will take 2D4 bleed damage every turn. Every time an enemy bleeds, a nearby ally will heal for that amount.

Grand Devotion
With a crazed smile upon your mangled lips, you slit your throat from ear to ear. This can be used to instantly enter Rapture.

Rapture (Special)
Fatal damage instead brings you into the state of Rapture. For the next 5 turns, you gain 2 actions per turn, +3 physical damage, and all of your successful attacks have a 100% chance to cause the target to bleed.

Your HP, MP, and STAM cannot be depleted.

Every action you take will force your entire party to do a mettle check, losing -4 SAN if failed. Those who succeed will be inspired and regain +2 to HP, MP, and STAM as well as gain +2 to their next attack.

During Rapture, you can use your abilities to regain your HP, but you cannot use potions or have someone else heal you.

When Rapture ends, you must pass the next turn, then you regain your mind. Rapture state can only be entered once per long rest.

Taking fatal damage when unable to enter Rapture will kill you.