26 April 2024

Character : Darisu Loxosceles

Titles : Witch of Iracomté, Leader of the Coven, Mother of Spiders

Race : Narakhin
Residence : Sorciel
Affiliation : Coven
Age : unknown (immortal)
Height : 7f02
Weight : 200lbs
Hair : purple, straight, waist length
Eyes : glowing green

Very little is known about the reviled Witch of Iracomté. She is a figure shrouded in legends and fearmongering. Most believe she does not even exist.

Darisu was once an attendant of the first Silken Vault in Sorciel, then a quiet temple retreat. Disfigured by a jealous lover, she was left with barely anything resembling a face. In her sorrow, she began stealing faces from the cocoons she was meant to protect and using sorcery to sew them on her own blank canvas of a face. Through an enchanted mirror, she spoke to her victims' simulacrum, beckoning them to return to their encased bodies.

Over time, Darisu began attaching extra limbs to herself. The horrors of her act caused her to mutate into a fearsome spider-like creature. She passed on her curse to women she would lure with promises of power, forming her coven of witches.

Slowly, the city of Sorciel became isolated, left to abandon for fear of the spiders they now called Narakhins.

After millennia, Darisu is now nothing more than a creepy fairytale. The Narakhins figures of children's stories. Occasional theft of cocoons from the numerous Silken Vaults around Almer equated to trafficking or murder, not to witchcraft.

Still, hushed rumours persist of the Witch, confined within the deepest recesses of the accursed marsh Iracomté. That her dark magic can see one's past, present, and future. That she may even be able to alter one's destiny.

The most bizarre thing is that there are records of people, such as Ménandu, meeting Darisu centuries before she was actually born.