26 April 2024

Skill : Wilderness Survival

Picking the Wilderness Survival skill will allow you to have an easier time away from civilized areas. On top of the boons you personally gain, you are an asset to your party, helping them traverse the environment.

You must select one area of specialization, making it your terrain of expertise. While in your favoured terrain, you gain +2 to all nature-related perception checks. If your race or class already comes with one terrain specialization as baseline, you are allowed to pick the Wilderness Survival skill again to gain a second terrain specialization.

- Forest
You have plenty of knowledge regarding areas that experience four seasons. You know what is available at this time of the year and which animal will be easier to hunt. You are also able to assess the danger of flash floods. While you know basic winter survival, you are nowhere near as efficient as someone with the Snow terrain specialization.

- Jungle
The dark thickets do not deter you. Your keen eyes can spot many lurking dangers like venomous snakes and predators prowling in ambush. You are an excellent climber when it comes to trees and vines. You also gain the ability to find and identify various poison dart frogs, allowing you to rub their potent toxin onto your weapons. Consult the bestiary to learn about frogs and their effects.

- Snow
You know how to survive in harsh winter and cold climate, this also includes mountaintops. You can tell if the ice is safe to cross and assess the risk of avalanches. This hostile environment has granted you excellent hunting and trapping skills. Also gain +1 cold resist.

- Volcanic
Ashen wastelands are no secrets to you. You know which path to take to avoid breaking through the crust and can easily tell when an area is full of invisible toxic gasses. You are also excellent at avoiding being detected by dragons. Gain +1 heat resist. Walking on solid, cooling lava does not damage you.

- Desert
Your knowledge of the sands help you find oases and see through mirages. You can tell where quicksands are and avoid them. You also gain the ability to scavenge efficiently, being able to salvage reusable pieces of cloth, leather, and jewellery from corpses.

- Swamp
You know which waters to avoid, how to escape sinking mud, and how to craft efficient bug-repellents. You are light on your feet and are less impeded by all difficult terrains. Gain +1 disease  and toxin resist. If you are a Margrace, your time and expertise in the swamps has made you immune to the Narakhin curse.

- Cave
You can find your way through the deep, dark reaches of the earth. You can tell which tunnels are safe and which aren't. You are also able to identify diverse minerals and prospect for ores and gems, a trait unique to cave specialization.

While within your favoured terrain, you are highly efficient at these skill :

- Fishing
Find a body of water? Cast your line and see what bites! You know how to craft bait from various local critters. You can quickly fillet fish, wasting nothing.

- Foraging
You can identify a wide variety of plants. Pick the edible ones and avoid the poisonous stuff (or grab them for a harmful mixture). This skill allows you to gather herbs, fruits, moss, mushrooms, sap, and even seashells.

- Woodcutting
Fell a mighty tree and chop its trunk into manageable logs. This activity requires significant time and stamina, but wood is a precious resource that can be used, traded, or sold.

- Shelter Building
You are very efficient at putting together a cozy little place to protect your party from the elements for a while.

- Weather Foresight
You can tell when the weather is about to turn sour, giving you a bit of time to prepare.